侯超,副教授(研究员),博士生导师,入选国家级青年人才计划、深圳市优秀科技创新人才培养专项。2009年与2014年分别获得清华大学工学学士、工学博士学位;2015年6月进入悉尼大学土木工程学院担任助理讲师,并于2017年晋升为讲师、博士生导师;2019年9月加入南方科技大学海洋科学与工程系担任副教授。侯超博士的主要研究方向为高性能组合结构、可持续海洋工程结构、荷载与海洋环境耦合作用、模块化建造技术等。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目等国内外科研项目10余项,主持校级教学改革项目1项;在领域知名期刊发表SCI论文70余篇,在Web of Science数据库中的H-index为30;担任中国钢结构协会钢-混凝土组合结构分会理事、《Structures》期刊编委、《Advances in Structural Engineering》期刊青年编委;研究成果被国家标准《钢管混凝土混合结构技术标准》GB/T 51446-2021等7部工程建设标准采纳,并在汶川克枯特大桥等大型基础设施建设中得到应用。获2022年度教育部自然科学一等奖(排名:3/5)、2项中国专利优秀奖(排名:2/2,5/10)、悉尼大学工程学院“院长杰出教学奖”、清华大学优秀博士学位论文一等奖等奖励,入选美国斯坦福大学与Elsevier发布的2023、2024年度“全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单”。
2005.08 - 2009.07:清华大学土木工程系,获工学学士学位。
2009.09 - 2014.07:清华大学土木工程系,获工学博士学位。
2019.09-至今 南方科技大学,海洋科学与工程系,副教授,博士生导师
2018.01-2019.08 悉尼大学,土木工程学院,讲师,博士生导师
2015.06-2017.12 悉尼大学,土木工程学院,助理讲师
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,长期荷载与海洋腐蚀耦合作用下钢管混凝土K形节点工作机理及设计方法研究,在研,主持
2. 深圳市优秀科技创新人才培养项目(优秀青年基础研究),模块化桁式海工钢管混凝土结构工作机理及设计方法,在研,主持
3. 深圳市高等院校稳定支持计划面上项目,海工钢管混凝土轴压与压弯构件腐蚀加固技术研究,已结题,主持
4. Early Career Researcher Development Scheme at FEIT, USyd, Behaviour of high-strength composite tubular joints subjected to axial and transverse loading,已结题,主持
5. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目(一等资助),中空夹层钢管混凝土-钢管K形节点的抗震性能研究,已结题,主持
1.Hou Chao, Qi Qi and Peng Jiahao. 2025. Performance of inter-module connection with a pegged tenon for composite modular buildings with CFST columns. Engineering Structures, 329:119824.
2. Zhang Wenhao, Hou Chao*, Song Qianyi and Chen Feng. 2025. Investigation on the post-fire local bearing performance of CFST chords in hybrid bridges. Engineering Structures, 328:119758.
3. Peng Jiahao and Hou Chao*. 2025. Experimental and numerical study on a novel self-locking inter-module connection with spring-loaded plunger latches: Under axial tension. Engineering Structures, 324:119364.
4. Liang Xinxiang, Song Yuchen and Hou Chao*. 2025. Numerical study of stainless steel rotary inter-module connections subjected to axial tension. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 226:109270.
5.Hou Chao, Yu Zhenbo and Peng Jiahao. 2024. Experiments and calculation methods on the tensile capacity of a single blind bolt anchored in a circular CFST section. Engineering Structures, 316:118570.
6. Liang Guiming, Hou Chao* and Tan Qinghua. 2024. Probability model for SCF in CFST joints under axial loading and in-plane bending. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 217:108660.
7. Liang Xinxiang, Hou Chao* and Peng Jiahao. 2024. Experimental study on rotary inter-module connections with corrosion-resistant metal materials: Under axial tension. Thin-Walled Structures, 205:112507.
8. Liang Guiming, Hou Chao* and Tan Qinghua. 2024. Fatigue assessment of CFST joints using the effective notch stress approach. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 214:108445.
9. Zhang Jingyi, Peng Jiahao, Hou Chao and Lin Guan. 2024. Experimental study on bond behavior between wet lay-up CFRP and corroded steel plates. Construction and Building Materials, 438:137024.
10. Zhou Xiaoguang, Hou Chao* and Peng Jiahao. 2023. Active learning methods for strength assessment of circular CFST under coupled long-term axial loading and random localized corrosion. Thin-Walled Structures, 193:111254.
11. Yu Zhenbo, Hou Chao*, Peng Jiahao and Han Linhai. 2023. Experimental study on demountable CFST K-joints designed with blind bolts. Thin-Walled Structures, 187:110723.
12. Hou Chao*, Zhou Xiaoguang and Shen Luming. 2023. Intelligent prediction methods for N-M interaction of CFST under eccentric compression. Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, 23:197.
13. Li Gen, Hou Chao*, and Shen Luming. 2023. Lateral impact behaviour of concrete-filled steel tubes with localised pitting corrosion. Steel and Composite Structures, 47(5):615-631.
14. Zhou Xiaoguang, Hou Chao*, Peng Jiahao, Yao Guohuang and Fang Zhengzhou. 2023. Structural mechanism-based intelligent capacity prediction methods for concrete-encased CFST columns. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 202: 107769.
15. Peng Jiaohao and Hou Chao*. 2023. Effects of constructional tolerances on lateral resistance of steel-concrete composite modular buildings with various connection rigidity. Structures, 57:105226.
16. Zhou Xiaoguang, Hou Chao* and Feng Weiqiang. 2023. Optimized data-driven machine learning models for strength prediction of square and rectangular CFST. Structures, 47:760-780.
17. Xu Chuanyang, Han Linhai and Hou Chao. 2023. Behaviour of recycled aggregate concrete-filled stainless steel tubular columns subjected to lateral monotonic and cyclic loading. Engineering Structures, 293:116663.
18. Zhao Huayang, Han Linhai, Hou Chao and Lyu Wanqing. 2023. Performance of recycled aggregate concrete-filled high-strength steel tubes under axial compression, tension and torsion. Thin-Walled Structures, 184:110478.
19. Liang Zhanshuo, Han Linhai and Hou Chao. 2023. Trussed square concrete-filled steel tubular hybrid structures subjected to axial compression. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 211:108171.
20. Yang Yuxing, Liao Feiyu, Hou Chao and Zhuang Wei. 2023. Hysteretic behavior of geopolymeric recycled concrete-filled steel tubes under combined compression-bending-torsion. Structures, 48:1420-1435.
21. Hou Chao* and Zhou Xiaoguang. 2022. Strength prediction of circular CFST columns through advanced machine learning methods. Journal of Building Engineering, 51:104289.
22. Peng Jiahao, Hou Chao* and Shen Luming. 2022. Progressive collapse analysis of corner-supported composite modular buildings. Journal of Building Engineering, 48:103977.
23. Li Gen, Hou Chao*, and Shen Luming. 2022. Combined compression-bending performance and design of CFST with localised pitting corrosion. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 192:107247.
24. Li Gen, Hou Chao*, Shen Luming and Yao Guohuang. 2022. Performance and strength calculation of CFST columns with localized pitting corrosion damage. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 188:107011.
25. Han Linhai, Xu Chuanyang and Hou Chao. 2022. Axial compression and bond behaviour of recycled aggregate concrete-filled stainless steel tubular stub columns. Engineering Structures, 262:114306.
26. Yang Zhicheng, Han Linhai and Hou Chao. 2022. Performance of recycled aggregate concrete-filled steel tubular columns under combined compression and shear load. Engineering Structures, 253:113771.
27. Chen Dengshuo, Feng Xingya, Hou Chao and Chen Jianfei. 2022. A coupled frequency and time domain approach for hydroelastic analysis of very large floating structures under focused wave groups. Ocean Engineering, 255: 111393.
28. Zhang Xiaojie, Wu Jiayu, Hou Chao and Chen Jianfei. 2022. An analytical solution for stress transfer between a broken prestressing wire and mortar coating in PCCP. Materials, 15: 5779.
29. Li Gen, Hou Chao* and Shen Luming. 2021. Life-cycle analysis of FRP-strengthened offshore CFST columns suffering from steel corrosion. Composite Structures, 277:114607.
30. Peng Jiaohao, Hou Chao* and Shen Luming. 2021. Numerical analysis of corner-supported composite modular buildings under wind actions. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 187:106942.
31. Bai Liang, Hou Chao*, Cao Mingwei, Hu Jiarui, Zhou Tianhua and Wei Huilin. 2021. Cyclic performance of steel moment frames with prefabricated RC and ECC wall panels. Engineering Structures, 242:112492. 9. Jin Dengyiding, Hou Chao* and Shen Luming. 2021. Effect of welding residual stress on the performance of CFST tubular joints. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 184:106827.
32. Lyu Wanqing, Han Linhai and Hou Chao. 2021. Axial compressive behaviour and design calculations on recycled aggregate concrete-filled steel tubular (RAC-FST) stub columns. Engineering Structures, 241:112452.
33. Wang Xingqiang, Tao Zhong, Katwal Utsab and Hou Chao. 2021. Tensile stress-strain models for high strength steels. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 186:106879.1. Peng Jiaohao, Hou Chao* and Shen Luming. 2021. Lateral resistance of multi-story modular buildings using tenon-connected inter-module connections. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 106453.
34. Chen Silin, Hou Chao*, Zhang Hao, Han Linhai and Mu Tingmin. 2021. Reliability calibration for the design of multiple-chord CFST trusses by advanced analysis. Structural Safety, 89: 102051
35. Chen Silin, Hou Chao*, Zhang Hao and Han Linhai. 2020. Reliability-based evaluation for concrete-filled steel tubular (CFST) truss under flexural loading. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 169:106018.
36. Jin Dengyiding, Hou Chao*, Shen Luming and Han Linhai. 2021. Numerical performance of blind bolted demountable square CFST K-joints. Journal of Building Engineering, 33:101646.
37. Peng Jiaohao, Hou Chao* and Shen Luming. 2020. Numerical simulation of weld fracture using cohesive interface for novel inter-module connections. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 1174:106302.
38. Wang Yuhang, Wang Yuyan, Hou Chao*, Zhou Xuhong, Deng Ran, Lan Yongsen, Luo Wei and Kong Weibo. 2020. Combined compression-bending-torsion behavior of CFST columns confined by CFRP for marine structures. Composite Structures, 242:112181.
39. Li Gen, Hou Chao*, Han Linhai and Shen Luming. 2020. Numerical study of concrete-encased CFST under preload followed by sustained service load. Steel and Composite Structures, 35(1):93-109.
40. Bai Liang, Li Yilin, Hou Chao*, Zhou Tianhua and Cao Mingwei. 2020. Longitudinal shear behaviour of composite slabs with profiled steel sheeting and ECC. Engineering Structures, 205:110085.
41. Han Linhai, Hou Chao and Hua Youxing. 2020. Concrete-filled steel tubes subjected to axial compression: Life-cycle based performance. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 169:106063.
42. Yong Fang, Wang Yuyin, Hou Chao and Lu Bo. 2020. CFDST stub columns with galvanized corrugated steel tubes: Concrept and axial behaviour. Thin-Walled Structures, 157:107116.
43. Yang Youfu, Hou Chao and Liu Min. 2020. Test and numerical simulation of rectangular RACFST stub columns under concentric compression. Structures. 27:396-410
44. Chen Silin, Hou Chao*, Zhang Hao and Han Lin-Hai. 2019. Structural behaviour and reliability of CFST trusses with random initial imperfection. Thin-Walled Structures, 143:106192.
45. Jin Dengyiding, Hou Chao*, Shen Luming and Han Lin-Hai. 2019. Numerical investigation of demountable CFST K-joints using blind bolts. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 160:428-443.
46. Yang You-Fu, Bie Xue-Meng, Hou Chao* and Han Lin-Hai. 2019. Analytical behaviour and design of square CFDST subjected to local bearing. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 159:198-214.
47. Li Yong-Jin, Li Gen, Hou Chao* and Zhang Wei-Jie. 2019. Long-term experimental behavior of concrete-encased CFST with preload on the inner CFST. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 155:355-369.
48. Liao Fei-Yu, Hou Chao*, Zhang Wei-Jie and Ren Jie. 2019. Experimental investigation on sea sand concrete-filled stainless steel tubular stub columns. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 155C:46-61.
49. Chen Yi-Su, Hou Chao*, and Peng Jia-Hao, 2019. Stability study on tenon-connected SHS and CFST columns in modular construction. Steel and Composite Structures, 30(2):185-199.
50. Yang You-Fu, Liu Min, Hou Chao and Bie Xue-Meng. 2019. Behaviour of four-legged square latticed members under lateral cyclic loading. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 156: 54-74.
51. Hua You-Xing, Han Lin-Hai, Wang Qing-Li and Hou Chao. 2019. Behaviour of square CFST beam-columns under combined sustained load and corrosion: Experiments. Thin-Walled Structures, 136:353-366.
52. Li Dong-Xu, Huang Zhi-Chao, Uy Brian, Thai Huu-Tai and Hou Chao. 2019. Slenderness limits for fabricated S960 ultra-high-strength steel and composite columns. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 159:109-121.
53. Huang Zhi-Chao, Li Dong-Xu, Uy Brian, Thai Huu-Tai and Hou Chao. 2019. Local and post-local buckling of fabricated high-strength steel and composite columns. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 154:235-249.
55. Li Dong-Xu, Uy Brian, Aslani Farhad and Hou Chao. 2019. Behaviour and design of spiral-welded stainless steel tubes subjected to axial compression. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 154:67-83.
56. Yang You-Fu, Hou Chao and Liu Min. 2018. Experimental study and numerical analysis of CFSST columns subjected to lateral cyclic loading. Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 144(12): 04018219.
57. Li Shuai, Han Lin-Hai and Hou Chao. 2018. Concrete-encased CFST columns under combined compression and torsion: analytical behaviour. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 144:236-252.
58. Ma Dan-Yang, Han Lin-Hai, Li Wei, Hou Chao and Mu Ting-Min. 2018. Behaviour of concrete-encased CFST stub columns subjected to long-term sustained loading. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 151:58-69.
59. Ren Qing-Xin, Zhou Kan, Hou Chao, Tao Zhong and Han Lin-Hai. 2018. Dune sand concrete-filled steel tubular (CFST) stub columns under axial compression: Experiments. Thin-Walled Structures, 124:291-302.
60. Chang Hongfei, Xia Junwu, Guo Zhen, Hou Chao, Din Wei and Qin Fuyang. 2018. Experimental study on the axial compressive strength of vertical inner plate reinforced square hollow section T-joints.Engineering Structures, 172:131-140.
61. Shi Yan-Li, Li Hua-Wei, Wang Wen-Da and Hou Chao, 2018. A fiber model based on secondary development of ABAQUS for elastic-plastic analysis. International Journal of Steel Structures. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13296-018-0053-7.
62. Hou Chao, Han Lin-Hai and Mu Ting-Min. 2017. Behaviour of CFDST chord to CHS brace composite K-joints: Experiments. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 135:97-109.
63. Yang You-Fu and Hou Chao. 2017. Performance of partially compressed CFST columns through dissimilarly shaped bearing plates under axial load. Thin-Walled Structures, 120:333-354.
64. Hou Chao, Han Lin-Hai, Mu Ting-Min and He Shan-Hu. 2017. Analytical behaviour of CFST chord to CHS brace truss under flexural loading. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 134:66-79.
65. Hou Chao and Han Lin-Hai. 2017. Analytical behaviour of CFDST chord to CHS brace composite K-joints. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 128:618-632.
66. Ren Qing-Xin, Han Lin-Hai, Hou Chao, Tao Zhong and Li Shuai. 2017. Concrete-encased CFST columns under combined compression and torsion: Experimental investigation. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 138:729-741.
67. Han Lin-Hai, Hua You-Xing, Hou Chao and Wang Qing-Li. 2017. Circular concrete-filled steel tubes subjected to coupled tension and chloride corrosion. Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 143(10): 04017134.
68. Ren Qing-Xin, Han Lin-Hai, Hou Chao and Hua You-Xing. 2017. Experimental behaviour of tapered CFST columns under combined compression and bending. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 128:39-52.
69. Hou Chuang-Chuang, Han Lin-Hai, Wang Qing-Li and Hou Chao. 2016. Flexural Behavior of circular concrete filled steel tubes (CFST) under sustained load and chloride corrosion. Thin-Walled Structures, 107:182-196.
70. Hou Chao, Han Lin-Hai and Zhao Xiao-Ling. 2015. Behaviour of circular concrete filled double skin tubes subjected to local bearing force. Thin-Walled Structures, 93:36-53.
71. Yang You-Fu, Hou Chao, Meng Chun-Yuan and Han Lin-Hai. 2015. Investigation on square concrete filled double-skin steel tube (CFDST) subjected to local bearing force: Experiments. Thin-Walled Structures, 94:394-409.
72. Yang You-Fu and Hou Chao. 2015. Behaviour and design calculations of recycled aggregate concrete filled steel tube (RACFST) members. Magazine of Concrete Research, 67:611-620.
73. Hou Chao, Han Lin-Hai and Zhao Xiao-Ling. 2014. Concrete-filled circular steel tubes subjected to local bearing force: Finite element analysis. Thin-Walled Structures, 77:109-119.
74. Yang You-Fu, Hou Chao, Wen Zhu, and Han Lin-Hai. 2014. Experimental behaviour of square CFST under local bearing. Thin-Walled Structures, 74:166-183.
75. Ren Qing-Xin, Hou Chao, Lam Dennis and Han Lin-Hai. 2014. Experiments on the bearing capacity of tapered concrete filled double skin steel tubular (CFDST) stub columns. Steel and Composite Structures, 17:667-686.
76. Ren Qing-Xin, Han Lin-Hai, Lam Dennis and Hou Chao. 2014. Experiments on special-shaped CFST stub columns under axial compression. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 98:123-133.
77. Hou Chao, Han Lin-Hai and Zhao Xiao-Ling. 2013. Concrete-filled circular steel tubes subjected to local bearing force: Experiments. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 83: 90-104.
78. Hou Chao, Han Lin-Hai and Zhao Xiao-Ling. Full-range analysis on square CFST stub columns and beams under loading and chloride corrosion. Thin-Walled Structures, 68:50–64.
79. Han Lin-Hai, Hou Chao and Wang Qing-Li. 2012. Square concrete filled steel tubular (CFST) members under loading and chloride corrosion: Experiments. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 71:11-25.
1. 中华人民共和国国家标准《钢管混凝土混合结构技术标准》GB/T 51446-2021,中国建筑工业出版社,2021.
2. 中国工程建设标准化协会标准《钢管混凝土桁式混合结构技术规程》T/CECS 785-2020,中国建筑工业出版社,2020.
3. 中国工程建设标准化协会标准《钢管混凝土加劲混合结构技术规程》T/CECS 663-2020,中国建筑工业出版社,2020.
4. 中国土木工程协会标准《中空夹层钢管混凝土结构技术规程》T/CCES 7-2020, 中国建筑工业出版社,2020.
5. 中国工程建设标准化协会标准《钢管再生混凝土结构技术规程》T/CECS 625-2019,中国建筑工业出版社,2019.
6. 中国电力企业联合会标准《输电线路中空夹层钢管混凝土杆塔设计技术规定》T/CEC 185-2018,中国电力企业联合会,2018.
7. 中华人民共和国建筑工业行业标准《建筑用不锈钢焊接管材》JG/T 539-2017,中国标准出版社,2017.