
张志荣博士,博士生导师,副研究员,南方科技大学医学院生物化学系助理教授。于2013年在厦门大学获得博士学位;随后加入法国遗传与分子细胞生物学研究所 (IGBMC) 进行博士后研究工作;于2023年12月以助理教授身份加入南方科技大学医学院,带领独立课题组。长期聚焦于先天免疫反应分子机制的研究,并取得一系列原创性成果,以第一作者或兼共通讯作者将相关工作发表在Nature Immunology、Journal of Experimental Medicine、EMBO Reports和Journal of Immunology上,同时以共一兼共通讯作者的研究工作即将在Science Immunology上发表,另外以合作作者身份参与的研究工作在Science、Nature Cell Biology、Nature Metabolism、Nature Communications和Cell Reports等杂志上发表。谷歌学术引用次数超过2000次,H-index为16.
· 09/2007 - 07/2013, 动物学博士, 厦门大学
· 09/2003 - 07/2007, 生物技术基地学士, 内蒙古大学
· 12/2023至今,助理教授,南方科技大学医学院
· 09/2013 - 11/2023, 博士后, 法国遗传与分子细胞生物学研究所(IGBMC)
· USIAS博士后奖学金, 2017
· EMBO meeting旅行津贴(travel grant), 德国曼海姆, 2016
· EFSD/CDS/Lilly项目, 2013
· 国家奖学金, 内蒙古大学, 2006
将结合分子生物学、细胞生物学、遗传学、生物化学和结构生物学等手段来研究:1) 激活先天免疫反应的分子机制,主要聚焦于炎症小体的组装和激活;2) 病原体与宿主相互作用的分子机制;3) 感染性疾病的发病机理。
· Frontiers in Cell Death审稿编辑
· Frontiers in Immunology审稿编辑
· Frontiers in Immunology客座编辑
[24] Ran L*, Ye T, Erbs E, Ehl S, Spassky N, Sumara I, Zhang Z*# and Ricci R#. KCNN4 links PIEZO-dependent mechanotransduction to NLRP3 inflammasome activation. Science Immunology, in press (#corresponding authors; *equal contribution).
[23] Ran L*, Ye T, Erbs E, Sumara I, Ricci R#, Zhang Z*#. KCNN4 links PIEZO-dependent mechanotransduction to NLRP3 inflammasome activation. BioRxiv, doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.03.08.531717 (#corresponding authors; *equal contribution).
[22] Zhang Z#*, Venditti R*, Ran L, Liu Z, Vivot K, Schurmann A, Bonifacino J, de Matteis A#, Ricci R#. Distinct changes in endosomal composition promote NLRP3 inflammasome activation. Nature Immunol. 2023 Jan; 24(1):30-41. (#corresponding authors; *equal contribution)
[21] Zhang Z#, Ricci R#. Hijacking the NLRP3 inflammasome: a mechanism underlying viral respiratory disease? EMBO Rep 2020; 21(7): e50645. (#corresponding authors)
[20] Zhang Z, Meszaros G*, He W*, Xu Y, de Fatima Magliarelli H, Mailly L, Mihlan M, Liu Y, Gámez M, Goginashvili A, Pasquier A, Bielska O, Neven B, Quartier A, Aebersold R, Baument TF, Georgel P, Han J, Ricci R. Protein kinase D at the Golgi controls NLRP3 inflammasome activation. J Exp Med 2017; 214 (9): 2671-2693. (*equal contribution)
[19] Zhang Z*, Xu X*, Ma J, Wu J, Wang Y, Zhou R, Han, J. Gene deletion of Gabarap enhances Nlrp3 inflammasome-dependent inflammatory responses. J. Immunol. 2013; 190(7):3517-24. (*equal contribution)
[18] Vivot K, Meszaros G, Zhang Z, Erbs E, Yeghiazaryan G, Quiñones M, Grandgirard E, Schneider A, Clauss-Creusot E, Charlet A, Faour M, Martin C, Luquet E, Kloppenburg P, Nogueiras R, Ricci R. CaMK1D signaling in AgRP neurons promotes ghrelin-mediated food intake. Nature Metabolism, 2023, 5(6):1045-1058.
[17] Goginashvili A, Zhang Z, Erbs E, Spiegelhalter C, Kessler P, Mihlan M, Pasquier A, Krupina K, Schieber N, Cinque L, Morvan J, Sumara I, Schwab Y, Settembre C, Ricci R. Insulin secretory granules control autophagy in pancreatic β cells. Science 2015; 347:878–882.
[16] Niu T, De Rosny C, Chautard S, Rey A, Patoli D, Groslambert M, Cosson C, Lagrange B, Zhang Z, Visvikis O, Hacot S, Hologne M, Walker O, Wong J, Wang P, Ricci R, Henry T, Boyer L, Petrilli V, Py B. NLRP3 phosphorylation in its LRR domain critically regulates inflammasome assembly. Nat Commun 2021; 12(1):5862
[15] Pangou E*, Bielska O*, Guerber L, Schmucker S, Agote-Aran Arantxa, Ye T, Liao Y, Puig-Gamez M, Grandgirard E, Kleiss C, Liu Y, Compe E, Zhang Z, Aebersold R, Ricci R#, Sumara I#. A PKD-MFF signaling axis couples mitochondrial fission to mitotic progression. Cell Rep 2021; 35(7):109129. (#corresponding authors; *equal contribution)
[14] Pasquier A, Vivot K, Erbs E, Spiegelhalter C, Zhang Z, Aubert V, Liu Z, Senkara M, Maillard E, Pinget M, Kerr-Conte J, Pattou F, Marciniak G, Ganzhorn A, Ronchi P, Schieber N, Schwab Y, Saftig P, Goginashvili A#, Ricci R#. Lysosomal degradation of newly formed insulin granules contributes to β cell failure in diabetes. Nat Commun 2019;10(1):3312. (#corresponding authors)
[13] Ma H, Liu Z, Zhong C, Liu Y, Zhang Z, Liang Y, Li J, Han S, Han J. Inactivation of cyclic AMP response element transcription caused by constitutive p38 activation is mediated by hyperphosphorylation-dependent CRTC2 nucleocytoplasmic transport. Mol Cell Biol 2019; 39(9): e00554-18.
[12] Xu Y, Ma H, Fang L, Zhang Z, Shao J, Hong M, Huang C, Liu J, Chen R. Cisplatin-induced necroptosis in TNFα dependent and independent pathways. Cell Signal 2017; 31:112-123.
[11] de Fatima Magliarelli H, Matondo M, Mészáros G, Goginashvili A, Erbs E, Zhang Z, Mihlan M, Wolfrum C, Aebersold R, Sumara I, Ricci R. Liver ubiquitome uncovers nutrient-stress-mediated trafficking and secretion of complement C3. Cell Death Dis 2016; 7(10):e2411.
[10] Chen W, Wu J, Li L, Zhang Z, Ren J, Liang Y, Chen F, Yang C, Zhou Z, Su S, Zheng X, Zhang Z, Zhong C, Wan H, Xiao M, Lin X, Feng X, Han J. Ppm1b negatively regulates necroptosis through dephosphorylating Rip3. Nat. Cell Biol. 2015 17, 434–444.
[9] Xu Y, Ma H, Shao J, Wu J, Zhou L, Zhang Z, Wang Y, Huang Z, Ren J, Liu S, Chen X, Han J. A Role for Tubular Necroptosis in Cisplatin-Induced AKI. J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 2015; 26:2647–2658.
[8] Xu X, Leng J, Gao F, Zhao Z, Deng W, Liang X, Zhang Y, Zhang Z, Li M, Sha A, Yang Z. Differential expression and anti-oxidant function of glutathione peroxidase 3 in mouse uterus during decidualization. FEBS Lett. 2014 ; 588: 1580–1589.
[7] Wu J, Huang Z, Ren J, Zhang Z, He P, Li Y, Ma J, Chen W, Zhang Y, Zhou X, Yang Z, Wu S, Chen L, Han J. Mlkl knockout mice demonstrate the indispensable role of Mlkl in necroptosis. Cell Res. 2013; 23:994–1006.
[6] Lin J*, Li H*, Yang M, Ren J, Huang Z, Han F, Huang J, Ma J, Zhang D, Zhang Z, Wu J, Huang D, Qiao M, Jin G, Wu Q, Huang Y, Du J, Han J. A Role of RIP3-Mediated Macrophage Necrosis in Atherosclerosis Development. Cell Rep 2013; 3:200-210. (*equal contribution)
[5] Zhang X, Liang X, Wang T, Liang X, Zuo R, Deng W, Zhang Z, Qin F, Zhao Z, Yang Z. Heparin-binding epidermal growth factor-like growth factor (HB-EGF) induction on Snail expression during mouse decidualization. Mol. Cell. Endocrinol. 2013; 381:272–279
[4] Lei W, Feng X, Deng W, Ni H, Zhang Z, Jia B, Yang X, Wang T, Liu J, Su R, Liang X, Qi, Q, Yang Z. Progesterone and DNA damage encourage uterine cell proliferation and decidualization through up-regulating ribonucleotide reductase 2 expression during early pregnancy in mice. J Biol Chem 2012; 287:15174-15192.
[3] Zhao Z, Zhang Z, Xu X, Deng W, Li M, Leng J, Liang X, Yang Z. Arachidonic acid regulation of the cytosolic phospholipase A 2alpha/cyclooxygenase-2 pathway in mouse endometrial stromal cells. Fertil Steril 2012; 97 :1199-1205 e1191-1199.
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[1] Su R, Lei W, Liu J, Zhang Z, Jia B, Feng X, Ren G, Hu S, Yang Z. The integrative analysis of microRNA and mRNA expression in mouse uterus under delayed implantation and activation. PLoS One 2010; 5:e15513.