
曾国松,现任职南方科技大学机械与能源工程系助理教授,博士生导师。2010年毕业于天津大学精密仪器与光电子工程学院测控技术与仪器专业,2018年获得美国Lehigh大学机械系博士学位。博士研究内容包括宽禁带半导体薄膜材料的机械力学性能分析、机械化学行为及机理分析,以及机械化学-电子学性能调控。随后,在美国能源部下属劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室(LBL)进行博士后研究工作,研究内容主要为人工光合成,包括光解水产氢及二氧化碳还原制备多碳产物。研究领域包括半导体摩擦、机械化学机理及其在半导体加工以及缺陷工程领域的应用、光解水制氢、二氧化碳还原、先进原位表征技术。研究成果发表在Nature Materials,Nature Energy,Angew,Advanced Energy Materials,PNAS等高水平期刊上。
◆ 2021年10月起,南方科技大学机械与能源工程系,助理教授。
◆ 2018年4月至2021年9月,美国能源部劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室,博士后。
◆ 2018年1月至2018年3月,美国理海大学机械系,博士后
◆ 2018年1月,美国理海大学机械工程专业,博士。
◆ 2012年5月,美国理海大学机械工程专业,硕士。
◆ 2010年7月,天津大学测控技术与仪器专业, 学士。
◆ 2018年美国能源部光解水领域杰出博士后工作奖
◆ 2016年美国摩擦及润滑工程师协会杰出研究生摩擦学贡献奖
◆ G. Zeng, T. A. Pham, S. Vanka, G. Liu, C. Song, J. K. Cooper, T. Ogitsu, Z. Mi, F. M. Toma, Sustained Hydrogen Production on Self-Improving GaN/Si Photocathode, Nature Materials,20,2021,1130–1135
◆ T, Kristle*, G. Zeng* (co-first), J. Young, F. M. Toma, F. Houle, T. Geutsch, N. Danilovic, Emergent Degradation Mechanisms with Integration and Scale Up of PEC Devices, Advanced Energy Materials, 2020, 2002706
◆ G. Zeng, X. Yang, C. K. Tan, C. Marvel, B. E. Koel, N. Tansu, B. A. Krick, Shear-induced band bending in GaN, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 10 (34), 2018, 29048-29057
◆ G. Zeng, W. Sun, R. Song, N. Tansu, B. A. Krick, Crystallographic Orientation Effect on GaN Wear, Scientific Reports, 7, 2017, 14126
◆ G. Zeng, N. Tansu and B. A. Krick, Moisture Dependent Wear Mechanisms of Gallium Nitride, Tribology International, 118, 2017, 120-127
◆ G. Zeng, C. K. Tan, N. Tansu, B. A. Krick, Ultralow of Gallium Nitride, Applied Physics Letters, 109, 2016, 105602
◆ G. Wang, Y. Rong, “Advances of physics-based precision modeling and simulation for manufacturing processes”, Advances in Manufacturing, Vol. 1, 2013, 75-81
◆ G. Liu, M. Lee, S. Kwon, G. Zeng, K. Jiang, J. Eichhorn, A. K. Buckley, A. T. Bell, W. A. Goddard, F. M. Toma, Pure Cu Electrocatalysts produce only H2 in Electrocatalytic CO2 Reduction at -1V RHE, PNAS,
◆ G. Liu, F. Zheng, J. Li, G. Zeng, Y. Ye, D. M. Larson, J. Yano, E. J. Crumlin, J. W. Ager, L. Wang, F. M. Toma, “Investigation and mitigation of degradation mechanisms in Cu2O photoelectrodes for CO2 reduction to ethylene”, Nature Energy, accepted
◆ Y. N. Regmi, E. Tzanetopoulos, G. Zeng, X. Peng, D. Kushner, T. A. Kistler, P. Agbo, L. A. King, A. Z. Weber, N. Danilovic, Supported Oxygen Evolution Catalysts by Design: Towards Lower Precious Metal Loading and Improved Conductivity in Proton Exchange Membrane Water Electrolyzers, ACS Catalysis, 2020, 10, 13125-13135
◆ K. Jiang, Z. Zhang, G. Zeng, G. Liu, F. M. Toma, J. K. Cooper, A. T. Bell, Effects of Surface Roughness on the Electrochemical Reduction of CO2 over Cu, ACS Energy Letters, 2020, 5, 4, 1206-1214
◆ W. Ji, T. Allen, X. Yang, G. Zeng, S. D. Wolf, A. Javey, Polymeric electron-selective contact for crystalline silicon solar cells with an efficiency exceeding 19%, ACS Energy Letters, 2020, 5, 3, 897-902
◆ C. V. Hadena, G. Zeng, F. M. Carter III, C. Ruhla, B. A. Krick, D. G. Harlow, Wire and Arc Additive Manufactured Steel: Tensile and Wear Properties, Additive Manufacturing, 16, 2017, 115-123
◆ Z. Hsain, G. Zeng, N. C. Strandwitz, B. A. Krick, Wear behavior of annealed atomic layer deposited alumina, Wear, 372-373, 2017, 1-6