
曾玉强博士,南方科技大学深港微电子学院助理教授(副研究员),博士生导师。在2013年取得华中科技大学学士学位,并于2018年获得美国普渡大学博士学位(博士导师:Amy Marconnet),加入南科大前在美国劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室任博士后研究员,合作导师为美国国家工程院院士Ravi Prasher。课题组聚焦高集成度器件及系统的热测量与热管理研究,主要方向包括微纳电子器件散热,电池智能热管理,微纳尺度热传感,电子封装与异质集成等。以第一作者或合作作者于Nature Energy, Nature Nanotechnology, Joule, Nature Commun.(3篇) 和Int. J. Heat Mass Transf.等国际高水平期刊发表论文20余篇。入选广东省青年拔尖,是广东省创新创业团队核心成员。
Travel Grants (Purdue University)
Graduate School Summer Research Grants (Purdue University)
[1] Z. Liu#, Y. Zeng#, J. Tan#, H. Wang#, Y. Zhu, X. Geng, P. Guttmann, X. Hou, Y. Yang, Y. Xu, P. Cloetens, D. Zhou, Y. Wei, J. Lu, J. Li, B. Liu, M. Winter, R. Kostecki, Y. Lin, X. He, Revealing the degradation pathways of layered Li-rich oxide cathodes, Nat. Nanotechnology, 1-10 (2024).
[2] Y Fu, L Chen, Y Guo, Y Shi, Y Liu, Y Zeng*, Y Lin*, D Luo*, Pyramid Textured Photonic Films with High‐Refractive Index Fillers for Efficient Radiative Cooling, Adv. Sci. 11, 2404900 (2024)
[3] Y. Zeng, F. Shen, B. Zhang, J. Lee, D. Chalise, Q. Zheng, Y. Fu, S. Kaur, S. D. Lubner, V. S. Battaglia, B. D. McCloskey, M. C. Tucker, and R. S. Prasher, Nonintrusive thermal-wave sensor for operando quantification of degradation in commercial batteries, Nat. Commun. 14 (1), 8203 (2023).
[4] Y. Zeng#, B. Zhang#, Y. Fu, F. Shen, Q. Zheng, D. Chalise, R. Miao, S. Kaur, S. D. Lubner, M. C. Tucker, V. Battaglia, C. Dames, and R. S. Prasher, Extreme fast charging of commercial Li-ion batteries via combined thermal switching and self-heating approaches, Nat. Commun. 14 (1), 3329 (2023).
[5] Y. Zeng, D. Chalise, Y. Fu, J. Schaadt, S. Kaur, V. Battaglia, S. D. Lubner, and R. S. Prasher, Operando Spatial Mapping of Lithium Concentration Using Thermal-Wave Sensing, Joule 5, 2195 (2021). (Free Featured Article; Spotlighted in Trends in Chemistry)
[6] Y. Zeng, D. Chalise, S. D. Lubner, S. Kaur, and R. S. Prasher, A Review of Thermal Physics and Management inside Lithium-Ion Batteries for High Energy Density and Fast Charging, Energy Storage Mater. 41, 264 (2021).
[7] Y. Zeng, C.-L. Lo, S. Zhang, Z. Chen, and A. Marconnet, Dynamically Tunable Thermal Transport in Polycrystalline Graphene by Strain Engineering, Carbon 158, 63 (2020).
[8] Y. Zeng, T. Li, Y. Yao, T. Li, L. Hu, and A. Marconnet, Thermally Conductive Reduced Graphene Oxide Thin Films for Extreme Temperature Sensors, Adv. Funct. Mater. 29, 1901388 (2019).
[9] Y. Zeng and A. Marconnet, Reevaluating the Suppression Function for Phonon Transport in Nanostructures by Monte Carlo Techniques, J. Appl. Phys. 125, 034301 (2019).
[10] T. Li, A. D. Pickel, Y. Yao, Y. Chen, Y. Zeng, S. D. Lacey, Y. Li, Y. Wang, J. Dai, Y. Wang, B. Yang, M. S. Fuhrer, A. Marconnet, C. Dames, D. H. Drew, and L. Hu, Thermoelectric Properties and Performance of Flexible Reduced Graphene Oxide Films up to 3,000 K, Nat. Energy 3, 148 (2018).