
石玥,南方科技大学医学院研究助理教授,于2018年从澳大利亚莫纳什大学博士毕业,从事生物材料合成以及界面修饰工作。在中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院医药所人体组织与器官退行性研究中心完成博士后工作,期间开展了不同材料对干细胞调控机理的研究,制备出多种新型生物材料,授权发明专利一项(专利授权号:CN 111849218CN 111849218),同时自制了细菌流动培养装置,用以评估海洋微生物在流动环境下生物膜形成过程以及对金属的腐蚀行为。研究成果多次在国际会议上作报告,并以第一作者在并以第一作者发表论文5篇;以共同作者发表论文8篇。
2014.03 – 2018.01,澳大利亚莫纳什大学/博士 材料工程
2009.09-2013.12,澳大利亚莫纳什大学和武汉理工大学联合培养/荣誉学士,学士 材料科学与工程
2018.06-2020.06 ,中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院/博士后
2021 科学传播贡献奖
2018 深圳海外高层次C类人才
1. Yue Shi; Jiao Lin; Xuelian Tao; Jing Qu; Shumin Liao; Mengyao Li; Ke Deng; Ping Du; Kun Liu; Helmut Thissen; Liang Li*; Peter Kingshott*; Peng-Yuan Wang*; Harnessing Colloidal Self-Assembled Patterns (cSAPs) to Regulate Bacterial and Human Stem Cell Response at Biointerfaces In Vitro and In Vivo, ACS Applied Materials and Interface, 2021, 13(18), 20982-20994
2. Yue Shi#; Tingli Chen#; Peter Shaw; Peng-Yuan Wang*; Manipulating bacterial biofilms using materiobiology and synthetic biology approaches; Fronties in Microbiology, 2022,13, 844997
3. Yue Shi#; Vinh X. Truong#; Ketav Kulkarni; Yue Qu; George P.Simon; Richard L. Boyd; Patrick Permultter; Trevor Lithgow; John S. Forsythe*; Light-triggered release of ciprofloxacin from an in situ forming click hydrogel for antibacterial wound dressings. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2015. 3(45), 8771-8774.
4. Yue Shi; Kun Liu; Zhen Zhang; Xuelian Tao; Hsien-Yeh Chen*; Peter Kingshott*; Peng-Yuan Wang*; Decoration of Material Surfaces with Complex Physicochemical Signals for Biointerface Applications, ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering, 2020, 6(4), 1836-1851
5. Yue Shi; Dona J. Menzies; Kelly M. Tsang; Mark P. Cel Borgo; Christopher D. Easton; Marie-Isavel Aguilar; Patrick Permultter; Vinh X. Truong*; John S. Forsythe*; A versatile and rapid coating method via a combination of plasma polymerization and surface-initiated SET-LRP for the fabrication of low-fouling surfaces, Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 2017, 55(15), 2527-2536.
6. Ping Du; Xuelian Tao; Kun, Liu; Jiao Lin; Yue Shi; Kwideok Park; Hsien-Yeh Chen, Chao-Po Lin, Junlei Chang, Raymond CB Wong, Haobo Pan, Peng-Yuan Wang, Human platelet lysate (hPL) alters the lineage commitment and paracrine functions of human mesenchymal stem cells via mitochondrial metabolism. Applied Materials Today, 2022, 26, 101264.
7. Daniel Urrutia-Cabrera; Roxanne Hsiang-Chi Liou; Jiao Lin; Yue Shi; Kun Liu; Sandy S. C. Hung; Alex W. Hewitt; Peng-Yuan Wang; Raymond Ching-Bong Wong*; Combinatorial Approach of Binary Colloidal Crystals and CRISPR Activation to Improve Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Differentiation into Neurons, ACS Applied Materials and Interface, 2022, 14(7), 8668-8679
8.Andrew J. Christofferson; Aaron Elbourne; Samuel Cheeseman; Yue Shi; Manon Rolland; Daniel Cozzolino; James Chapman; Christopher F. McConville; Russell J. Crawford; Peng-Yuan Wang; Nghia P. Truong*; Athina Anastasaki* ; ViKhanh Truong; Conformationally tuned antibacterial oligomers target the peptidoglycan of Gram-positive bacteria, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2020, 580: 850-862.
9. Chenghao Zhu; Andrew E. Rodda*; Vinh X. Truong*; Yue Shi; Kun Zhou; John M. Hayens; Bing Wang; Wayne D. Cook; John S. Forsythe*; Increased cardiomyocyte alignment and intracellular calcium transients using micropatterned and drug-releasing poly(glycerol sebacate) elastomers, ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering, 2018, 4(7): 2492-25047.
10. Yifan Zhang; Enrico Benassi; Yue shi; Xuanyu yue; Lin Cui; Shengchao Yang*; Zhiyong Liu* and Xuhong Guo; Modified biomimetic core-shell nanostructures enable long circulation and targeted delivery fro cancer therapy, New Journal of Chemistry, 2021,45, 21359-21368
11. Yifan Zhang; Xuanyu Yue; Shengchao Yang*; Xianglong Li; Lin Cui; Xiaobin Cui; Yue Shi; Zhiyong Liu*; Xuhong Gu and Yongsheng Li*, Long circulation and tumor-targeting biomimetic nanoparticles for efficient chemo/photothermal synergistic therapy, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2022
12 Xuelian Tao; Ping Du; Li Li; Jiao Lin, Yue Shi, and Peng-Yuan Wang*; Human Platelet Lysate Supports Mouse Skeletal Myoblast Growth but suppresses Cell Fusion on Nanogrooves, ACS Applied Bio Materials, 2020, 3(6), 3594-3604