
王莹, 医学院药理学系副教授,博士生导师。2017年于复旦大学获得博士学位,2017-2022年于美国加州大学戴维斯分校(University of California,Davis)从事博士后研究。2022年10月加入南方科技大学医学院药理学系。通过结合荧光共振能量转移(FRET)成像,分子生物学检测与多种小动物疾病模型,研究新型G-蛋白耦联受体(GPCRs)在心脏生理、病理中的作用机制,以及心力衰竭治疗的新靶点、治疗新策略。以第一作者身份已在Circulation Research, Cardiovascular Research,Basic Research in Cardiology等心脏领域发表研究论文十余篇及获得相关专利。2021年独立主持了美国心脏病协会博士后基金(AHA Postdoctoral Fellowship, $140,752.00),现担任AHA基金评委(AHA grant reviewer)。同时担任Cells客座编辑,以及Advanced Science等多个杂志审稿人。并于2022年获得国家级人才头衔。
2008.09-2012.06 贵州大学,制药工程专业学士
2012.09-2017.06 复旦大学,心血管药理专业博士
2017.10-2022.9 加州大学戴维斯分校,博士后研究员
2022.10-至今 南方科技大学,助理教授
2022/09-2022/11 南方科技大学,助理教授
2022/12-至今 南方科技大学,副教授
2012 贵州省优秀毕业生
2012 复旦大学博士新生奖学金
2013 复旦大学交叉学科优秀博士生研究奖
2014 第9届PharmSci@亚洲论坛,论文奖
2015 上海药理学会青年学者论坛,优秀论文奖
2015 长三角生命科学与人类健康论坛,一等奖
2016 美国实验室自动化协会(SLAS)第5届年会Tony B. 学术旅行奖
2017 美国实验室自动化协会(SLAS)第6届年会Tony B. 学术旅行奖
2021 美国心脏学会 (AHA) 博士后基金
2022 美国IX ACRE-APS symposium, 2022 AHA BCVS session, 二等奖
2022 美国心脏学会 (AHA) 青年科学家旅行奖
2022- Advanced Science (审稿人)
2022- Frontiers in Immunology (审稿人以及特刊主题规划员)
2022- Cells,(客座编辑)
2022- American Heart Association (AHA) grant reviewer-in-training (基金评审)
2021- Frontiers in Microbiology (审稿人)
2022- 深圳市科创委国际合作项目会评专家
2023- British Journal of Pharmacology,审稿人
2023- 广东省杰出青年项目评审专家
2023- 教育部青年长江学者评审专家
1. Xiang W, Lu H, Shen A, Ni H, Wang Y. Nuclear β-adrenergic signaling microdomain alleviates diabetic kidney fibrosis by YAP inactivation. British Journal of Pharmacology (In revision).
2. Wang Y, Zhao M, Liu XH, Xu B, Rivera G, Xiang YK. Nitric oxide synthase isoforms dictate a biased and compartmentalized adrenergic signaling to promote cardiac contractility. (In Revision. JACC: Basic to Translational Science (In revision).
3. Fu Q, Wang Y, Yan C, Xiang YK. Phosphodiesterases in heart and vessels- From Physiology to Diseases. Physiol Rev. 2023.
4. Bing Xu, Ying Wang, Chaoqun Zhu, Meimi Zhao, Yu Zhang, Bingqing Deng, Zhenduo Zhu; Qiuyun Guan, Nipavan Chiamvimonvat, Qingtong Wang, and Yang K. Xiang. HFrEF and HFpEF model-specific remodeling of subcellular PKA signaling at the ryanodine receptors and SERCA2a. Journal of the American Heart Association (In revision).
5. Wenjing Xiang1*, Xingyun Wang1*, Lei Li1, Junhui Zeng1, Haocheng Lu1&, Ying Wang1&, Unveiling Catecholamine Dynamics in Cardiac Health and Disease: Mechanisms, Implications, and Future Perspectives. International Journal of Drug Discovery and Pharmacology 2023.
6. Xiang W, Zhou N, Li L, Chen F, Li L, Wang Y. βIV-Spectrin in Cardiac Fibroblasts: Implications for Fibrosis and Therapeutic Targeting in Cardiac Diseases. Comment on Nassal et al. Spectrin-Based Regulation of Cardiac Fibroblast Cell-Cell Communication. Cells 2023, 12, 748. Cells. 2023;12:2186.
7. Deng B, Zhang Y, Zhu C, Wang Y, Weatherford E, Xu B, Liu X, Conway SJ, Abel ED, Xiang YK. Divergent Actions of Myofibroblast and Myocyte β2-Adrenoceptor in Heart Failure and Fibrotic Remodeling. Circ Res. 2023;132:106–108.
8. Xiang W, Zhou N, Li L, Chen F, Li L, Wang Y. βIV-Spectrin in Cardiac Fibroblasts: Implications for Fibrosis and Therapeutic Targeting in Cardiac Diseases. Comment on Nassal et al. Spectrin-Based Regulation of Cardiac Fibroblast Cell-Cell Communication. Cells 2023, 12, 748. Cells. 2023;12:2186.
9. Wang Y, Zhao M, Xu B, Bahriz SMF, Zhu C, Jovanovic A, Ni H, Jacobi A, Kaludercic N, Di Lisa F, Hell JW, Shih JC, Paolocci N, Xiang YK. Monoamine oxidase A and organic cation transporter 3 coordinate intracellular β1AR signaling to calibrate cardiac contractile function. Basic Res Cardiol. 2022;117:37.
10. Wang Y, Zhao M, Shi Q, Xu B, Zhu C, Li M, Mir V, Bers DM, Xiang YK. Monoamine Oxidases Desensitize Intracellular β1AR Signaling in Heart Failure. Circ Res. 129 (10), 965-967.
11. Wang Y*, Shi Q*, Li M, Zhao M, Reddy GR, Teoh JP, Xu B, Zhu CQ, Ireton KE, Srinivasan S, Chen SL, Gasser PJ, Bossuyt J, Hell JW, Bers DM, Xiang YK. Intracellular β1-Adrenergic eceptors and Organic Cation Transporter 3 Mediate Phospholamban Phosphorylation to Enhance Cardiac Contractility. Circ Res. 2020 Nov; DOI: 10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.120.317452.
12. Wang Q, Wang Y, West TM, Liu Y, Reddy GR, Barbagallo F, Xu B, Shi Q, Deng B, Wei W, Xiang YK. Carvedilol induces biased β1 adrenergic receptor-Nitric oxide synthase 3-cyclic guanylyl monophosphate signaling to promote cardiac contractility. Cardiovasc Res. 2020 Sep 21; doi: 10.1093/cvr/cvaa266.
13. Xu B, Li M, Wang Y, Zhao M, Morotti S, Shi Q, Wang Q, Barbagallo F, Teoh JP, Reddy GR, Bayne EF, Liu Y, Shen A, Puglisi JL, Ge Y, Li J, Grandi E, Nieves-Cintron M, Xiang YK. GRK5 Controls SAP97-Dependent Cardiotoxic β1 adrenergic receptor-CaMKII signaling in heart failure. Circ Res. 2020 Aug 28;127(6):796-810. doi: 10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.119.316319.
14. Reddy GR, West TM, Jian Z, Jaradeh M, Shi Q, Wang Y, Chen-Izu Y, Xiang YK. Illuminating cell signaling with genetically encoded FRET biosensors in adult mouse cardiomyocytes. J Gen Physiol. 2018 Nov 5;150(11):1567-1582. doi: 10.1085/jgp.201812119.
15. Wang Y, Cao Y, Zhu Q, Gu X, Zhu YZ. The discovery of a novel inhibitor of apoptotic protease activating factor-1 (Apaf-1) for ischemic heart: synthesis, activity and target identification. Sci Rep. 2016 Jul 22;6:29820.
16. Wang Y, Zhong L, Liu X, Zhu YZ. ZYZ-772 Prevents Cardiomyocyte Injury by Suppressing nox4-derived ROS production and apoptosis. Molecules. 2017 Feb 21;22(2). doi: 10.3390/molecules22020331.
17. Wang Y, Zhang Q, Zhong L, Lin M, Luo X, Liu S, Xu P, Liu X, Zhu YZ. Apoptotic Protease activating factor-1 inhibitor mitigates myocardial ischemia injury via disturbing procaspase-9 recruitment by Apaf-1. Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2017;2017:9747296.
18. Zhang QY, Wang ZJ, Miao L, Wang Y, Chang LL, Guo W, Zhu YZ. Neuroprotective Effect of SCM-198 through stabilizing endothelial cell function. Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2019;2019:7850154.
19. Zhang QY, Wang ZJ, Sun DM, Wang Y, Xu P, Wu WJ, Liu XH, Zhu YZ. Novel Therapeutic effects of leonurine on ischemic stroke: New Mechanisms of BBB Integrity. Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2017;2017:7150376.
20. Xu B, Wang Y, Bahriz SMFM, Zhao M, Zhu C, Xiang YK. Probing spatiotemporal PKA activity at the ryanodine receptor and SERCA2a nanodomains in cardomyocytes. Cell Commun Signal. 2022 Sep 14;20(1):143.