
许扬,南科大医学院副教授,博士生导师。于2015年博士毕业于美国贝勒医学院,并在2015-2020年在美国北卡罗莱纳大学教堂山分校完成博士后训练。从事癌症CAR-T免疫治疗和基础免疫学研究。相关的研究发表于Nature Biotechnology, Blood,Journal of Clinical Investigation,Cancer Cell等国际顶级期刊。共发表论文8篇,总引用数575次(Google Scholar)并获得两项美国专利。
2006 – 2010 多伦多大学 免疫学 学士
2010 – 2015 贝勒医学院 免疫学 博士
2015 – 2020 北卡大学教堂山分校 博士后
2016 Horizon Fellowship Award Department of Defense, 美国
与此同时,课题组与美国多个实验室保持合作关系,将在T信号机制, T细胞分化等领域进行合作。
Review Editorial Board - Frontier Immunology
Review Editorial Board - Frontier Oncology
Reviewer for Science Advanced, Cancer Cell, Cellular & Molecular Immunology, Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy.
Xu Y, Zhang M, Ramos CA, Durett A, Liu E, Dakhova O, Liu H, Creighton CJ, Gee AP, Heslop HE, Rooney CM, Savoldo B, Dotti G. 2014. Closely related T-memory stem cells correlate with in vivo expansion of CAR.CD19-T cells and are preserved by IL-7 and IL-15. Blood 24: 3750-59
Xu Y, Chaudhury A, Zhang M, Savoldo B, Metelitsa LS, Rodgers J, Yustein JT, Neilson JR, Dotti G. 2016. Glycolysis determines dichotomous regulation of T cell subsets in hypoxia. Journal of Clinical Investigation 126(7):2678-88.
Xu Y, Dotti G. 2016. Selection bias: maintaining less-differentiated T cells for adoptive immunotherapy. Journal of Clinical Investigation 126(1):35-7.
Ma X, Shou P, Smith C, Chen Y, Du H, Sun C, Kren NP, Michaud D, Ahn S, Vincent B, Savoldo B, Pylayeva-Gupta Y, Zhang S, Dotti G, Xu Y. 2020. Interleukin-23 engineering improves CAR-T cell function in solid tumors. Nature Biotechnology.
Sun C, Shou P, Du H, HIrabayashi K, Chen Y, Herring L, Ahn S, Xu Y, Suzuki K, Li G, Tsahouridis O, Su L, Savoldo B, Dotti G. 2020. Themis-SHP1 Recruitment by 4-1BB Tunes LCK-Mediated Priming of Chimeric Antigen Receptor-Redirected T cells. Cancer Cell. 37, 1-10.
Du H, Hirabayashi K, Ahn S, Kren NP, Montgomery SA, Wang X, Tiruthani K, Mirlekar R, Michaud D, Greene K, Herrera SG, Sun C, Chen Y, Xu Y, Ma X, Ferrone CR, Pylayeva-Gupta Y, Yeh JJ, Liu R, Savoldo B, Ferrone S, Dotti G . 2019. Antitumor Responses in the Absence of Toxicity in Solid Tumors by Targeting B7-H3 Via Chimeric Antigen Receptor T Cells. Cancer Cell 35, 221–237.
Jones RB, Garrison KE, Mujib S, Mihajlovic V, Aidarus N, Hunter DV, Martin E, John VM, Zhan W, Faruk NF, Gyenes G, Sheppard NC, Priumboom-Brees IM, Goodwin DA, Chen L, Rieger M, Muscat-King S, Loudon PT, Stanley C, Holditch SJ, Wong JC, Clayton K, Duan E, Song H, Xu Y, SenGupta D, Tandon R, Sacha JB, Brockman MA, Benko E, Kovacs C, Nixon DF, Ostrowski MA. 2012. HERV-K-specific T cells eliminate diverse HIV-1/2 and SIV primary isolates. Journal of Clinical Investigation 12: 4473-89.
Jones RB, Song H, Xu Y, Garrison KE, Buzdin AA, Anwar N, Hunter DV, Mujib S, Mihajlovic V, Martin E, Lee E, Kuciak M, Raposo RA, Bozorgzad A, Meiklejohn DA, Ndhlovu LC, Nixon DF, Ostrowski MA. 2013. LINE-1 retrotransposable element DNA accumulates in HIV-1-infected cells. Journal of Virology 24:13307-20.