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赵前程课题组致力于片上集成光子电路的研究,包括:低损耗光波导器件和非线性集成光子器件等。在国际期刊和会议上发表论文60余篇,包括Optica, Advanced Optical Materials, Nanophotonics, ACS Photonic, APL Photonics, Optics Express, Optics Letters等国际知名期刊,编撰学术专著1部,多次出席国际学术会议作受邀报告。

课题组网站: https://liconlab.ac.cn












Best Paper Award, IEEE 9th Optoelectronics Global Conference, 2024


Individualized Professional Skills Award, UC Santa Barbara, 2021

Broadcom Fellowship, Broadcom Foundation, 2014

Graduate Fellowship, UC Irvine, 2012






· Mingjian You#, Zhenyu Liu, Weiren Cheng, Xingyu Tang, Ning Ding, Zhengqi Li, Min Wang, Li Shen, and Qiancheng Zhao*, "Athermal Tantalum Pentoxide Mach-Zehnder Interferometers Based on Structural Compensation Method," IEEE Photonics Journal, 17(1), 1–8, 2025. [doi: 10.1109/JPHOT.2025.3534244] (IF 2.4)

· Zhenyu Liu#, Wenle Yao, Mingjian You, Xiaolun Yu, Ning Ding, Weiren Cheng, Zhengqi Li, Xingyu Tang, Fei Guo*, Dan Lu, and Qiancheng Zhao*, “Tantalum Pentoxide Integrated Photonics: A Promising Platform for Low-Loss Planar Lightwave Circuits with Low Thermo-Optic Coefficients”, ACS Photonics, 2025. [doi: 10.1021/acsphotonics.4c01485] (IF 6.5)

· Pengzhuo Wu, Xingyu Tang, Yatao Yang, Yifan Wang, Yongxian Yan, Ziyu Pan, Xucheng Zhang, Mingjian You, Zhenyu Liu, Changjing Bao, Xingchen Ji, Yi Li*, and Qiancheng Zhao*, "Asymmetric χ(2)-translated optical frequency combs assisted by avoided mode crossing in concentric ring resonators," Opt. Express, 32(19), 32924–32938, 2024. [doi: 10.1364/OE.531644] (IF 3.8)

· Yifan Wang#, Ziyu Pan#, Yongxian Yan#, Yatao Yang#, Wenhua Zhao, Ning Ding, Xingyu Tang, Pengzhuo Wu, Qiancheng Zhao*, and Yi Li*, "A review of gallium phosphide nanophotonics towards omnipotent nonlinear devices", Nanophotonics, 2024. [doi: 10.1515/nanoph-2024-0172] (IF 8.45)

· Zhaoting Geng#, Weiren Cheng#, Zhiwei Yan, Qiyuan Yi, Zhenyu Liu, Mingjian You, Xiaolun Yu, Pengzhuo Wu, Ning Ding, Xingyu Tang, Min Wang, Li Shen, and Qiancheng Zhao*, "Low-loss tantalum pentoxide photonics with a CMOS-compatible process", Opt. Express, 32(7), 12291–12302, 2024. [doi: 10.1364/OE.518545] (IF 3.8)

· Pengzhuo Wu, Weiren Cheng, Ning Ding, Xingyu Tang, Zhaoting Geng, Zhenyu Liu, Mingjian You, Xiaolun Yu, Yi Li*, and Qiancheng Zhao*, "Investigation of χ(2)-translated Optical Frequency Combs Tunability in Gallium Phosphide-on-Insulator Resonators", IEEE Photonics Journal 16, 1–8, 2024. [doi: 10.1109/JPHOT.2024.3365214] (IF 2.4)

· Yatao Yang, Yifan Wang, Yongxian Yan, Weiren Cheng, Qiancheng Zhao*, and Yi Li*, "On-Chip Single-Molecule Fluorescence Enhancement via Slotted Gallium Phosphide Nanodisks at Anapole States", Advanced Optical Materials, 2301444, 2023. [doi: 10.1002/adom.202301444] (IF 9.93)

· Weiren Cheng#, Zhaoting Geng#, Zhuoyu Yu, Yihan Liu, Yatao Yang, Pengzhuo Wu, Houling Ji, Xiaolun Yu, Yifan Wang, Changjing Bao, Yi Li*, and Qiancheng Zhao*, "Wafer-scale inverted gallium phosphide-on-insulator rib waveguides for nonlinear photonics", Opt. Letters, 48(14), 3781–3784, 2023. [doi: 10.1364/OL.494949] (IF 3.56)

· Houling Ji, Zhaoting Geng, Weiren Cheng, Pengzhuo Wu, Zhuoyu Yu, Yihan Liu, Xiaolun Yu, Yi Li*, and Qiancheng Zhao*, "High-power two-color Kerr frequency comb generation on the gallium phosphide-on-insulator platform at SWIR and MIR spectra", JOSA B 40(8), 1976–1985, 2023. [doi: 10.1364/JOSAB.492194] (IF 2.05)

· Zhaoting Geng, Houling Ji, Zhuoyu Yu, Weiren Cheng, Pengzhuo Wu, Yi Li*, and Qiancheng Zhao*, “Dispersion-flattened Concentric Structure for Microcomb Bandwidth Broadening in GaP-OI Resonators”, JOSA B, 40(3), 673-618, 2023. [doi: 10.1364/JOSAB.477493] (IF 2.05)

· Yongxian Yan#, Tao Zhu#, Qiancheng Zhao, Rodrigo Berté*, and Y. Li*, “Launching directional hypersonic surface waves in monolithic gallium phosphide nanodisks: two holes are better than one”, Nanoscale, 2023. [doi: 10.1039/D2NR05729H] (IF 6.89)

· Qiancheng Zhao, Mark W. Harrington, Andrei Isichenko, Kaikai Liu, Ryan O. Behunin, Scott B. Papp, Peter T. Rakich, Chad W. Hoyt, Chad Fertig, and Daniel J. Blumenthal*, “Integrated Reference Cavity with Dual-mode Optical Thermometry for Frequency Correction”, Optica, 8(11), 1481-1487, 2021. [doi:10.1364/OPTICA.432194] (IF 9.78)

· Nitesh Chauhan, Andrei Isichenko, Kaikai Liu, Jiawei Wang, Qiancheng Zhao, Ryan O. Behunin, Peter T. Rakich, Andrew M. Jayich, Chad Fertig, Chad W. Hoyt, and Daniel J. Blumenthal*, “Visible light photonic integrated Brillouin laser”, Nature Communications, 12, 4685, 2021. [doi:10.1038/s41467-021-24926-8] (IF 12.12)

· Matthew Puckett#, Kaikai Liu#, Nitesh Chauhan, Qiancheng Zhao, Naijun Jin, Haotian Cheng, Jianfeng Wu, Ryan O. Behunin, Peter T. Rakich, Karl D. Nelson, Daniel J. Blumenthal*, "422 Million intrinsic quality factor planar integrated all-waveguide resonator with sub-MHz linewidth", Nature Communications, 12, 934, 2021. [doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-21205-4] (IF 12.12)

· Qiancheng Zhao, Ryan O. Behunin, Peter T. Rakich, Nitesh Chauhan, Andrei Isichenko, Jiawei Wang, Chad W. Hoyt, Chad Fertig, Mu hong Lin, and Daniel J. Blumenthal*, "Low-loss Low Thermo-Optic Coefficient Ta2O5 on crystal quartz planar optical waveguides", APL Photonics, 5(11), 116103, 2020. (Editor’s Pick) [doi: 10.1063/5.0024743] (IF 4.86)

· Qiancheng Zhao* and Ozdal Boyraz*, "Editorial for the Special Issue on Silicon Photonics Bloom", Micromachines, 11, 670, 2020. [doi: 10.3390/mi11070670] (IF 2.43)

· Mohammad Wahiduzzaman Khan#, Qiancheng Zhao, Parinaz Sadri-Moshkenani, Md Shafiqul Islam, and Ozdal Boyraz*, "Graphene-incorporated plasmo-thermomechanical infrared radiation detection", JOSA B, 37(3), 774-783, 2020. [doi: 10.1364/JOSAB.379154] (IF 2.18)

· Qiancheng Zhao, Mohammad Wahiduzzaman Khan, Shiva Farzinazar, Jaeho Lee, and Ozdal Boyraz*, "Plasmo-thermomechanical radiation detector with on-chip optical readout", Opt. Express, 26(23), 29638-29650, 2018. [doi: 10.1364/OE.26.029638] (IF 3.67)

· Qiancheng Zhao, Parinaz Sadri-Moshkenani, Mohammad Wahiduzzaman Khan, Rasul Torun and Ozdal Boyraz*, "On-Chip Bimetallic Plasmo-Thermomechanical Detectors for Mid-Infrared Radiation", IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 29(17), 1459-1462, 2017. [doi: 10.1109/LPT.2017.2728373] (IF 2.45)

· Qiancheng Zhao, Caner Guclu, Yuewang Huang, Filippo Capolino, and Ozdal Boyraz*, "Experimental Demonstration of Directive Si3N4 Optical Leaky Wave Antennas with Semiconductor Perturbations", Journal of Lightwave Technology, 34(21), 4864-4871, 2016. [doi: 10.1109/JLT.2016.2608801] (IF 4.29)

· Qiancheng Zhao, Yuewang Huang, and Ozdal Boyraz*, "Optical properties of V-groove silicon nitride trench waveguides", J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 33, 1851-1859, 2016. [doi: 10.1364/JOSAA.33.001851] (IF 1.79)

· Qiancheng Zhao, Caner Guclu, Yuewang Huang, Filippo Capolino, Regina Ragan, and Ozdal Boyraz*, "Plasmon optical trapping using silicon nitride trench waveguides", JOSA B 33(6), 1182-1189, 2016. [doi: 10.1364/JOSAB.33.001182] (IF 2.18)