
肖皪副教授,主要研究方向是供应链管理和服务运营管理。在SCI/SSCI学术期刊上共发表文章10篇,EI会议论文14篇,包括UT Dallas 24 期刊Operations Research和Production and Operations Management、中国计算机学会(CCF)的A类推荐国际学术期刊IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering和人工智能领域国际顶级学术会议(CCF的A类推荐学术会议)AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence,以及美国工业工程协会旗舰期刊IISE Transactions等,主持国家自然科学基金面上项目和青年项目。曾工作于香港中文大学和清华大学,指导20多名硕士生和博士生,指导学生获得International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management最佳论文奖,全国供应链与运营管理学术年会最佳会议论文优胜奖,腾讯犀牛鸟精英人才称号等。
期刊论文 ( :申请人学生; *:通讯作者)
1) Li Ruobing, Li Xiao*, Dacheng Yao. 2023. Dynamic pricing and production control in a two-item make-to-stock system with flexible dual sourcing and lost sales. (Authors in alphabetical order). Production and Operations Management (UTD, FT50, ABS4), 32(10): 3119-3137.
2) Song Jing-Sheng, Li Xiao, Hanqin Zhang, Paul Zipkin. 2022. Smart policies for multi-source inventory systems and general tandem queues with order tracking and expediting. (Authors in alphabetical order). Operations Research (UTD, FT50, ABS4*), 70(4): 2421–2438.
3) Song Jing-Sheng, Li Xiao, Hanqin Zhang, Paul Zipkin. 2017. Optimal policies for a dual-sourcing inventory problem with stochastic leadtimes. (Authors in alphabetical order). Operations Research (UTD, FT50, ABS4*), 65(2): 379–395.
4) Xiao Li*, Zuo-jun Max Shen. 2023. Efficiency of the carpooling service: Customer waiting and driver utilization. IISE Transactions (Field-top journal in industrial engineering, ABS3, SCI), 55(10):1062-1074.
5) Yao Yao, Bin Liu, Haoxun He, Dakui Sheng, Ke Wang, Li Xiao*, Huanhuan Cao. 2023. I-Razor: A differentiable neural input razor for feature selection and dimension search in DNN-based recommender systems. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. (Top-3 journal in Data Mining area according to The China Computer Federation, SCI)
6) Xiao Li*, Ce Wang. 2023. Multi-location newsvendor problem with random yield: centralization versus decentralization. Omega: The International Journal of Management Science (ABS3, SCI), 116, 102795.
7) Wang Yi, Li Xiao, Xinggang Luo*. 2023. On the optimal solution of the distributionally robust multi-product newsvendor problem. Journal of the Operational Research Society (ABS3, SCI)
8) Xiao Li, Susan Xu, David Yao, Hanqin Zhang*. 2022. Optimal staffing for ticket queues. Queueing Systems: Theory and Applications (Field-top journal in queueing, ABS2, SCI), 102, 309–351.
9) Li Ke, Li Xiao*. 2022. Peer-to-peer short-term sharing on the rental platform. Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering (SCI), 31, 705–727.
10) Kulkarni Vidyadhar G, Li Xiao*, Hanqin Zhang. 2022. Periodic review inventory models with multiclass demands and fixed order costs. Stochastic Models (SCI), 39(3), 592-631.
会议论文 ( :申请人学生; *:通讯作者)
[C1] Cao Xiaoyan, Yao Yao, Lanqing Li, Wanpeng Zhang, Zhicheng An, Zhong Zhang, Li Xiao, Shihui Guo, Xiaoyu Cao, Meihong Wu, Dijun Luo. 2021. iGrow: A smart agriculture solution to autonomous greenhouse control. Proceedings of AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. (Top 1 A-level conference in Artificial Intelligence area according to The China Computer Federation)
[C2] Yao Yao, Li Xiao*, Zhicheng An, Wanpeng Zhang, Dijun Luo. 2021. Sample efficient reinforcement learning via model-ensemble exploration and exploitation. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). (Top B-level conference in Artificial Intelligence area according to The China Computer Federation)
[C3] Dong Xueping, Li Xiao*. 2023. The impact of resale market on video games: boosted revenue and better player engagement. 2023 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management.
[C4] Shi Xuyan, Li Xiao*. 2023. Delayed matching considering user patience in ride-sourcing system. 2023 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management.
[C5] Huang Zhihong, Ye Guo, Qiuwei Wu, Li Xiao, Hongbin Sun. 2022. A multiple market trading mechanism for electricity, renewable energy certificate and carbon emission right of virtual power plants. The 6th IEEE Conference on Energy Internet and Energy System Integration. (EI)
[C6] Xinyi Yi, Ye Guo, Hongbin Sun, Qiuwei Wu, Li Xiao. 2022. Energy-grade double pricing mechanism for a combined heat and power system using the asynchronous dispatch method. The 6th IEEE Conference on Energy Internet and Energy System Integration. (EI)
[C7] Zai Rui, Ye Guo, Qiong Liu, Hongbin Sun, Qiuwei Wu, Li Xiao. 2022. Knowledge assisted deep reinforcement learning for electric vehicle charging control. The 6th IEEE Conference on Energy Internet and Energy System Integration. (EI)
[C8] Huang Jieming, Ye Guo, Hongbin Sun, Qiuwei Wu, Li Xiao. 2022. A simplification method for robust optimization of power system based on LMP. The 6th IEEE Conference on Energy Internet and Energy System Integration. (EI)
[C9] Zuo Qiruyi, Xinglu Liu, Lu Xu, Li Xiao, Chengyin Xu, Jianfeng Liu, Wai Kin Chan. 2022. The three-dimensional bin packing problem for deformable Items. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management. (EI)
[C10] Xu Lu, Xinglu Liu, Li Xiao, Qiruyi Zuo, Jianfneg Liu, Wai Kin Chan. 2022. Data-driven procurement optimization in fresh food distribution market under demand uncertainty: A two-stage stochastic programming approach. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management. (EI)
[C11] Yuan Lewen, Li Xiao*. 2021. Optimal pricing for online delivery platforms with group buying and direct delivery. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management. (EI)
[C12] Gan Lin, Li Xiao*. 2020. The optimal choice for local content requirement and tariff under social welfare maximization. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management. (EI)
[C13] Zhang Liying, Li Xiao*. 2020. Performance analysis for a two-stage queuing system with online service. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management. (EI)
[C14] Li Ke, Li Xiao*. 2019. Peer-to-peer short-term sharing on the bilateral commission platform. 2019 16th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management. (EI)