
刘洪梅博士,南方科技大学生物医学工程系研究副教授。2015年毕业于中国科学院过程工程研究所,并获得博士学位。主要研究方向为纳米载体递送基因药物、放化疗药物治疗肿瘤的研究。在Biomaterials、 Theranostics、ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces、Advanced Healthcare Materials等国际知名期刊以第一作者或通讯作者发表学术论文26篇。授权5项中国发明专利。担任中国医师协会脑胶质瘤专业委员会药物与生物治疗学组委员、中国抗癌协会会员。
2005年9月-2008年7月,东北农业大学,生物学院,研究生/硕士 导师:王学东
2011年9月-2015年1月,中国科学院过程工程研究所,生物化工学院,研究生/博士 导师:张欣
1. 设计和制备微纳机器人治疗肿瘤的研究;
1.Feng Qian#, Yuhan Han#, Zhengzhong Han, Deyun Zhang, Long Zhang, Gang Zhao, Shanshan Li, Guoliang Jin, Rutong Yu*, Hongmei Liu*, In situ implantable, post-trauma microenvironment-responsive, ROS depletion hydrogels for the treatment of traumatic brain injury, Biomaterials, 2021, 270: 120675. (IF: 12.479)
2.Yufu Zhu#, Jun Jia#, Gang Zhao#, Xuyang Huang, Lansheng Wang, Yongkang Zhang, Long Zhang, Naveena Konduru, Jun Xie, Rutong Yu*, Hongmei Liu*, Multi-responsive nanofibers composite gel for local drug delivery to inhibit recurrence of glioma after operation, Journal of Nanobiotechnology, 2021, 19: 198. (IF: 10.435)
3.Zeqi Zhao#, Zhengzhong Han#, Konduru Naveena#, Guanxiong Lei, Shiwei Qiu,
Xuanyi Li, Ting Li, Xi Shi, Wei Zhuang, Yalan Li, Yuehua Qiao*, Hongmei Liu*,
ROS-responsive nanoparticle as a berberine carrier for OHC-targeted therapy of noise-induced hearing loss. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021, 13(6): 7102-7114. (IF: 9.229)
4.Haoyue Xu#, Yuhan Han#, Gang Zhao#, Long Zhang, Zongren Zhao, Zhen Wang, Liang Zhao, Lei Hu, KONDURU Naveena, Jun Lu*, Rutong Yua*, Hongmei Liu* Hypoxia-responsive lipid-polymer nanoparticle combined imaging-guided surgery and multi-therapy strategies for glioma. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12, 52319-52328. (IF: 9.229)
5.Zongren Zhao#, Jiawei Shen#, Long Zhang#, Lansheng Wang, Haoyue Xu, Yuhan Han, Jun Jia, Yang Lu, Rutong Yu*, Hongmei Liu*, Injectable postoperative enzyme-responsive hydrogels for reversing temozolomide resistance and reducing local recurrence after glioma operation, Biomaterials Science, 2020, 8: 5306-5316. (IF: 6.843)
6.Lei Hua#, Zhen Wang#, Liang Zhao#, Honglin Mao, Guanghui Wang, Kairuo Zhang, Xuejiao Liu, Dongmei Wu, Yuanlin Zheng, Jun Lu*, Rutong Yu*, Hongmei Liu*, Hypoxia-responsive lipid-poly-(hypoxic radiosensitized polyprodrug) nanoparticles for glioma chemo- and radiotherapy, Theranostics, 2018, 8(18): 5088-5105. (IF: 11.556)
7.Honglin Mao#, Yandong Xie#, Haichen Ju#, Hongsen Mao, Liang Zhao, Wang Zhen, Hua Lei, Chunming Zhao, Yuling Li*, Rutong Yu*, Hongmei Liu*, Design of tumor microenvironment responsive drug-drug micelle for cancer radio-chemotherapy, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2018, 10(40): 33923-33935. (IF: 9.229)
8.Hongmei Liu#, Yandong Xie#, Yafei Zhang, Yifan Cai, Baiyang Li, Honglin Mao, Yingguo Liu, Jun Lu, Longzhen Zhang, Rutong Yu*, Development of a hypoxia-triggered and hypoxic radiosensitized liposome as a doxorubicin carrier to promote synergetic chemo-/radio-therapy for glioma, Biomaterials, 2017, 121: 130-143. (IF: 12.479)
9.Hongmei Liu#, Yifan Cai#, Yafei Zhang#, Yandong Xie, Hui Qiu, Lei Hua, Xuejiao Liu, Yuling Li, Jun Lu, Longzhen Zhang*, Rutong Yu*, Development of a hypoxic radiosensitizer prodrug liposome delivery DNA repair inhibitor Dbait combination with radiotherapy for glioma therapy, Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2017, 6(12): 1601377. (IF: 9.993)
10.Hongmei Liu, Yan Li, Mozhi Anbu, Liang Zhang, Yilan Liu, Xia Xu, Jianmin Xing, Xingjie Liang, Guanghui Ma, Jun Yang, Xin Zhang*. SiRNA-phospholipid conjugates for gene and drug delivery in cancer treatment, Biomaterials, 2014, 35: 6519-6533. (IF: 12.479)