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刘东实验室现有的两个研究主题是:1)比较器官发育与再生的异同;2)建立人类疾病的动物模型。刘东博士长期从事硬骨鱼类生物学研究,涉足发育、分子遗传学(斑马鱼和日本青鳉),分子内分泌学(太平洋鲑鳟),转基因(鲤科鱼)、基因编辑技术(斑马鱼)等领域。我们主要是用模式动物斑马鱼研究动感毛细胞(mechanosensory hair cells)发育及其损伤-再生机制,并在建立神经性疾病模型基础上研发治疗性或预防性药物。此外,运用线虫的优势,我们还在探索研究器官发育与再生的新思路、新方法。


1. 斑马鱼内耳(外周神经系统器官)的发育机制
2. 斑马鱼侧线毛细胞损伤/再生机制
3. 构建人类神经性疾病的斑马鱼模型,并进行治疗性先导化合物的筛选,靶标确定及作用机理研究
4. 基因组编辑技术研发


1.  斑马鱼内耳的发育:通过遗传学和条件性调控基因表达等手段,已初步揭开从前基板区(一种在体干细胞群)到内耳细胞命运获得的发育途径,诠释内耳功能细胞(内耳神经元和动感受体毛细胞)命运决定和维持的调控网络
2. 斑马鱼侧线毛细胞损伤/再生:位于斑马鱼体表的侧线神经丘是毛细胞损伤/再生研究的好模型。通过突变体筛选,活体细胞分选和基因表达调控技术,已初步确定信号通路,转录因子和死亡程序与毛细胞再生现象间的关联性。
3. 人类疾病的斑马鱼模型:已建立耳聋,多动症和帕金森模型,并初选治疗性先导化合物。
4. 新技术、新方向:已开发出鉴定有功能非蛋白编码RNA,CRISPR/Cas9 基因编辑,dCas9 融合系统,亚细胞定位等技术;生殖细胞与体细胞性别发育的关联研究。


2017-至今        南方科技大学生物系,副教授
2008-2017       北京大学生命科学学院,研究员, 博士生导师
1999-2008        俄勒冈大学神经所,博士后转高级助研(senior research  associate)
1990-1991       淡水生态学及生物技术国家重点实验室(中科院武汉水生所),助研(research assistant)


1999-2004     俄勒冈大学神经所,发育生物学博士后
1992-1999     多伦多大学生化系,分子内分泌学硕士、博士(PhD,哲学博士)
1987-1990     中国科学院水生生物研究所,遗传学硕士
1983-1987     武汉大学生物系,理学学士


1. Travel Award, International Zebrafish Society, 2017(国际斑马鱼协会)
2. Roche Fellowship Award, School of Life Sciences, PKU 2012 (罗氏奖教金)
3. Peking University Talents Program, 2008-2011 (北京大学引进人才)
4. Hundred Talent Program nominee, Institute of Hydrobiology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2008 (declined)
5. Hundred Talent Program nominee, Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2004(declined)
6. Travel Award, Society of Chinese Bioscientists in America, 2004 (美洲华人生物科学者协会)
7. Travel award, Association for Research in Otolaryngology, 2003 (美国耳鼻喉科研究协会)
8. Postdoctoral Fellowship, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, 2000 -2003 (加拿大健康研究院)
9. JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship, 1999-2001(日本学术振兴学会)(declined)
10. Restracom Trainee Fellowship, HSC, Toronto, 1994 -1999 (加拿大病童医院研究所)
11. University of Toronto Open Fellowship, 1991-1992(多伦多大学)


1. Principal Investigator, Establishing a new model of mechanosensory hair cell damage/regeneration (斑马鱼动感毛细胞损伤/再生新模型的建立), a NSFC regular grant (2018-2021).
2. Principal Investigator, Dlx3b-4b and Gata3 regulate otic hair cell development in zebrafish (Dlx3b-4b和Gata3是斑马鱼内耳毛细胞发育的主要调节因子), a NSFC regular grant (2016-2019).
3. Principal Investigator, Systematic characterization and analysis of tissue/cell-specific lincRNAs in elegans (系统性鉴定和分析线虫组织/细胞特异(基因间区长片段非编码RNA), a NSFC regular grant (2014-2017).
4. Principal Investigator, Developing new techniques for organ regeneration study, part of a MOST 973 Program (2012-2016). (第三课题组长)
5. Co-Principal Investigator, In vivo functional study of lincRNAs, part of a MOST 973 Program (2011-2015). (骨干PI)
6.Principal Investigator, Epigenetic regulation of sex differentiation and reproductive development(性别分化及生殖发育的表观遗传调控研究), a NSFC regular grant (2010-2012, ‘细胞编程与重编程的表观遗传机制’重大研究计划).


1. Li J, Liu Y, Qin L, Huang X, Zhou D, Xu H, Zhao F, Mi X, Jia F, Xu F, Yang J, Li C, Liu D, Deng X, Zhang Y. (2017). Mutation in ε-sarcoglycan induces myoclonus dystonia syndrome by increasing the numbers of excitatory synapses. Submitted.
2. Wu YT, Mi X, Guo H, Zhao F, Zhang Y, Tang G, Yu K, Zhao J, Su X, Zhu Z, Raible DW, Liu D*. (2017). Regenerating neuromast hair cells directly from proliferative supporting cells in zebrafish. Revised
3. Li X, Song G, Zhao Y, Zhao F, Liu C, Liu D*, Li Q*, Cui Z*. (2017). Claudin7b is required for the formation and function of inner ear in zebrafish. J Cell Physiol (doi: 10.1002/jcp.26162. [Epub ahead of print]).
4. Yang L, Chang S, Lu Q, Zhang Y, Wu Z, Sun X, Cao Q, Qian Y, Jia T, Xu B, Duan Q, Li Y., Zhang K, Schumann G, Liu D*, Wang J*, Wang Y*, Lu L.(2017). A new locus regulating MICALL2 expression was identified for association with executive inhibition in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Mol Psychiatry(doi:10.1038/mp.2017.74).
5. Gao H, Bu Y, Wu Q, Wang X, Chang N, Lei L, Chen S, Liu D, Zhu X, Hu K, Xiong J. (2015). Mecp2 regulates neural cell differentiation by suppressing the Id1-Her2/Hes5 axis in zebrafish. J Cell Sci, 128(12):2340-2350.
6. Long L, Guo H, Yao D, Xiong K, Li Y, Liu P*, Zhu Z, Liu D*. (2015). Regulation of transcriptionally active genes via the catalytically inactive Cas9 in elegans and D. rerio. Cell Res, 25:638-641.
7. Wang J, Zhao F, Wu Y, Wu YT, Yao D, Dong W, Zhao J, Zhu Z, Liu D*. (2015). Fgf signaling dependent Sox9a and Atoh1a regulate otic neural development in zebrafish. J Neuroscience, 35:234-244 (highlighted article).
8. Yao D, Zhao F, Wu Y, Wang J, Zhao J, Zhu Z, Liu D*. (2014). Dissecting the differentiation process of the pre-placodal ectoderm in zebrafish. Special issue ‘Sensory system: Development, Disease & Regeneration’, Dev Dyn, 243:1328-1337.
9. Liu P, Long L, Xiong K, Yu B, Chang N, Xiong J-W, Zhu Z, Liu D*. (2014). Heritable/Conditional Genome Editing in elegans using a CRISPR-Cas9 Feeding System. Cell Res, 24:886-889.
10. Sheehan-Rooney K, Swartz ME, Zhao F, Liu D, Eberhart JK. (2013). Ahsa1 and Hsp90 activity confers more severe craniofacial phenotypes in a zebrafish model of hypoparathyroidism, sensorineural deafness and renal dysplasia (HDR). Dis Model Mech, 6(5):1285-91.
11. Dong W, Yang Z, Yang F, Wang J, Zhuang Y, Xu C, Zhang B, Tian X*, Liu D*. (2012). Suppression of Rap1 impairs cardiac myofibril and conduction system in zebrafish. PLoS ONE, 7(11): e50960. Doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0050960.
12. Liu M, Liu P, Zhang L, Gao G, Zhang W, Zhu Z, Liu D*, Fan Q*. (2011). mir-35 is involved in control of intestine cell G1/S transition and germ cell proliferation in C. elegans. Cell Res, 21(11):1605-18.
13. Choy SW, Cheng CW, Lee ST, Li VWT, Hui MNY, Hui C, Liu D, Cheng SH. (2010). A cascade of irx1a and irx2a controls shh expression during retinogenesis. Dev Dyn, 239:3204-14.
14. Yan Y-L, Willoughby J, Liu D, Crump JG, Wilson C, Miller CT, Singer A, Kimmel C, Westerfield M, Postlethwait JH. (2005). A pair of Sox: distinct and overlapping functions of zebrafish Sox9 co-orthologs in craniofacial and pectoral fin development. Development, 132: 1069-83.
15. Hans S, Liu D, Westerfield M. (2004). Pax8 and Pax2a function synergistically in otic specification, downstream of the Foxi1 and Dlx3b transcription factors. Development, 131: 5091-02.
16. Liu D, Chu H, Maves L, Yan YL, Morcos PA, Postlethwait JH, Westerfield M. (2003). Fgf3 and Fgf8 dependent and independent transcription factors are required for otic placode specification. Development, 130: 2213-24.
17. Yan Y-L, Miller CT, Nissen R, Singer A, Liu D, Kirn A, Draper B, Willoughby J, Morcos PA, Amsterdam A, Chung B, Westerfield M, Haffter P, Hopkins N, Kimmel C and Postlethwait JH. (2002). Zebrafish sox9 gene required for cartilage morphogenesis. Development, 129: 5065-79.
18. Liu DChandy MLee SKLe Dréan YAndo HXiong FWoon Lee JHew CL. (2000). A zebrafish ftz-F1 (Fushi tarazu factor 1) homologue requires multiple subdomains in the D and E regions for its transcriptional activity. J Biol Chem, 2;275(22):16758-66.
19. Liu D, Le Dréan Y, Ekker M, Xiong F, Hew CL. (1997). Teleost FTZ-F1 homolog and its splicing variant determine the expression of salmon gonadotropin II beta gene. Mol Endocrinol,11(7):877-90.
20. Wong AO, Dréan Y, Liu D, Hu Z, Xiong F, Hew CL. (1996). Induction of Chinook Salmon Growth Hormone Promoter Activity by the Adenosine 3′,5′-Monophosphate (cAMP)-Dependent Pathway Involves Two cAMP-Response Elements with the CGTCA Motif and the Pituitary-Specific Transcription Factor Pit-1. Endocrinology, 137(5):1775-84.
21. Dréan Y, Liu D, Wong AO, Xiong F, Hew CL. (1996). Steroidogenic factor 1 and estradiol receptor act in synergism to regulate the expression of the salmon gonadotropin II beta subunit gene. Mol Endocrinol,10(3):217-29.
22. Liu D, Xiong F, Hew CL. (1995) Functional analysis of estrogen-responsive elements in Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tschawytscha) gonadotropin II beta subunit gene. Endocrinology, 136(8):3486-93.
23. Xiong F, Liu D, Dréan Y, Elsholtz HP, Hew CL. (1994). Differential recruitment of steroid hormone response elements may dictate the expression of the pituitary gonadotropin II beta subunit gene during salmon maturation. Mol Endocrinol, 8(6):782-93.
24. Xiong F, Liu D, Dréan Y, Hew CL. (1994). The Chinook salmon gonadotropin II beta subunit gene contains a strong minimal promoter with a proximal negative element. Mol Endocrinol, 8(6):771-81.
25. Xie Y, Liu D, Zou J, Li G, Zhu Z. (1993). Gene transfer via electroporation in fish. Aquaculture, 111(1-4):207-13.




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