
林海斌,工学博士,南方科技大学前沿与交叉科学研究院研究助理教授,主要从事锂硫电池电极材料、锂金属负极以及固态锂金属电池研究。于2012年在华南师范大学获得化学专业学士学位,2015年在华南师范大学获得物理化学专业硕士学位,2019年在新加坡国立大学获得化学工程专业博士学位。2019年后在南方科技大学从事科研工作。已在Energy & Environmental Science,Advanced Energy Materials,ACS Nano,Journal of Materials Chemistry A等国际期刊上发表论文32篇,共被引用超1800次,h指数23。获得授权专利9个。获得深圳市海外高层次人才B类人才。
2015-2019 新加坡国立大学 博士
2012-2015 华南师范大学 硕士
2008-2012 华南师范大学 学士
2020至今 南方科技大学 研究助理教授
2019-2020 南方科技大学 访问学者
林海斌的研究领域以锂离子电池和锂硫电池为主,涉及电池正极、负极、隔膜和电解质相关材料的研发以及相互作用机理研究。锂离子电池中主要研究实现高容量电池和高功率电池的应用,通过对高容量的电极材料的纳米结构设计,实现其在电池中的稳定性及高性能发挥,同时开发高电压稳定电解质。锂硫电池的研究中的主要贡献为提出新的锂硫电池充放电电极中间产物多硫化物溶解问题的解决方案,通过设计高效的多硫化物催化剂,在电池使用中催化中间体的转换,实现锂硫电池的稳定循环。至今共获得中国专利授权9项,其中5项发明专利,4项实用新型专利,已在Energy & Environmental Science、Advanced Energy Materials、ACS Nano、Journal of Materials Chemistry A等国际著名期刊上发表32篇论文,其中以第一作者或通讯作者发表论文14篇,论文总引用率超1800次,H-index达23。
[1] H. Lin, L. Yang, X. Jiang, G. Li, T. Zhang, Q. Yao, G. W. Zheng, J. Y. Lee, Electrocatalysis of polysulfide conversion by sulfur-deficient MoS2 nanoflakes for lithium–sulfur batteries, Energy & Environmental Science, 10 (2017) 1476. (highly cited)
[2] H. Lin, S. Zhang, T. Zhang, H. Ye, Q. Yao, G. W. Zheng, J. Y. Lee, Simultaneous Cobalt and Phosphorous Doping of MoS2 for Improved Catalytic Performance on Polysulfide Conversion in Lithium–Sulfur Batteries, Advanced Energy Materials, (2019) 1902096.
[3] H. Lin, S. Zhang, T. Zhang, S. Cao, H. Ye, Q. Yao, G. W. Zheng, J. Y. Lee, A Cathode-Integrated Sulfur-Deficient Co9S8 Catalytic Interlayer for the Reutilization of “Lost” Polysulfides in Lithium-Sulfur Batteries, ACS Nano, 13 (2019) 7073-7082.
[4] H. Lin, S. Zhang, T. Zhang, H. Ye, Q. Yao, G. W. Zheng, J. Y. Lee, Elucidating the Catalytic Activity of Oxygen Deficiency in the Polysulfide Conversion Reactions of Lithium–Sulfur Batteries, Advanced Energy Materials, 8 (2018) 1801868.
[5] H.B. Lin, Y.M. Zhang, J.N. Hu, Y.T. Wang, L.D. Xing, M.Q. Xu, X.P. Li, W.S. Li, LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 nanoparticles: Synthesis with synergistic effect of polyvinylpyrrolidone and ethylene glycol and performance as cathode of lithium ion battery, Journal of Power Sources, 257 (2014) 37-44.
[6] H.B. Lin, J.N. Hu, H.B. Rong, Y.M. Zhang, S.W. Mai, L.D. Xing, M.Q. Xu, X.P. Li, W.S. Li, Porous LiMn2O4 cubes architectured with single-crystalline nanoparticles and exhibiting excellent cyclic stability and rate capability as the cathode of a lithium ion battery, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2 (2014) 9272.
[7] H.B. Lin, H.B. Rong, W.Z. Huang, Y.H. Liao, L.D. Xing, M.Q. Xu, X.P. Li, W.S. Li, Triple-shelled Mn2O3 hollow nanocubes: force-induced synthesis and excellent performance as the anode in lithium-ion batteries, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2 (2014) 14189.
[8] H.B. Lin, Y.M. Zhang, H.B. Rong, S.W. Mai, J.N. Hu, Y.H. Liao, L.D. Xing, M.Q. Xu, X.P. Li, W.S. Li, Crystallographic facet- and size-controllable synthesis of spinel LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 with excellent cyclic stability as cathode of high voltage lithium ion battery, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2 (2014) 11987.
[9] H.B. Lin, W.Z. Huang, H.B. Rong, J.N. Hu, S.W. Mai, L.D. Xing, M.Q. Xu, X.P. Li, W.S. Li, Surface natures of conductive carbon materials and their contributions to charge/discharge performance of cathodes for lithium ion batteries, Journal of Power Sources, 287 (2015) 276-282.
[10] H.B. Lin, W.Z. Huang, H.B. Rong, S.W. Mai, J.N. Hu, X.D. Xing, M.Q. Xu, W.S. Li, Improving cyclic stability and rate capability of LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 cathode via protective film and conductive polymer formed from thiophene, Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 19 (2015) 1123-1132.
[11] X.Q. Chen‡, H.B. Lin‡, X.W. Zheng, X. Cai, P. Xia, Y.M. Zhu, X.P. Li, W.S. Li, Fabrication of core-shell porous nanocubic Mn2O3@TiO2 as a high-performance anode for lithium ion batteries, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 3 (2015) 18198. (Equal Contribution)
[12] P. Xia‡, H. B. Lin‡, W. Q. Tu, X. Q. Chen, X. Cai, X. W. Zheng, M. Q. Xu, W. S. Li, A Novel Fabrication for Manganese Monoxide/Reduced Graphene Oxide Nanocomposite as High Performance Anode of Lithium Ion Battery, Electrochimica Acta, 198 (2016) 66-76. (Equal Contribution)
[13] X. Cai‡, H. Lin‡, X. Zheng, X. Chen, P. Xia, X. Luo, X. Zhong, X. Li, W. Li, Facile synthesis of porous iron oxide rods coated with carbon as anode of high energy density lithium ion battery, Electrochimica Acta, 191 (2016) 767-775. (Equal Contribution)
1. 一种带多功能保护板的电池充放电电路,发明专利,授权号:ZL201410112207.8,授权日期:2016.11.16
2. 一种显示电量的带保护的充电电路,发明专利,授权号:ZL201410112144.6,授权日期:2016.05.11
3. 一种锂硫电池复合正极材料及其制备方法与应用,发明专利,授权号:ZL201410589010.3,授权日期:2017.03.29
4. 一种氮掺杂多孔碳/硫复合正极材料及其制备方法与应用,发明专利,授权号:ZL201410818596.6,授权日期:2017.01.18
5. 一种锂硫电池球形复合正极材料及其制备方法与应用,发明专利,授权号:ZL201410821531.7,授权日期:2017.02.22
6. 一种双通道可变放电系统,实用新型专利,授权号:ZL201420135742.0,授权日期:2014.07.23
7. 一种多功能电源附加电路,实用新型专利,授权号:ZL201420135818.X,授权日期:2014.07.23
8. 充放电电路,实用新型专利,授权号:ZL201420305077.5,授权日期:2014.12.24
9. 充放电电路,实用新型专利,授权号:ZL201420305078.X,授权日期:2014.12.24