
医学博士,2020年毕业于广州中医药大学,主要从事血管内皮祖细胞治疗急性肾损伤的基础性研究,涉及医学、临床药学、病理学、细胞生物学等多学科领域。近五年发表学术论文6篇(2020至今),相关研究成果以第一作者(含共同第一)发表于Journal of The American Society of Nephrology、American Journal of Pathology(2021)、Clinical Pharmacokinetics、Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation、Front in Immunology、Front in Genetics。主持国家自然科学基金1项、广东省自然科学基金1项,以主要骨干身份参与国家重点研发计划青年科学家项目1项及国家级、省部级、深圳市课题项目共6项。2021年荣获“深圳市海外高层次人才(C类)”称号。
2017-09 至 2020-06 广州中医药大学与哈佛医学院联合培养,医学博士
2014-09 至 2017-06 广州中医药大学,医学硕士
2009-09 至 2014-06 山西中医药大学,医学学士
2023-11至今 南方科技大学,医学院,研究助理教授
2022-11至2023-11 南方科技大学,医学院,高级研究学者
2020-10至2022-11 南方科技大学,医学院,博士后
Jialing Liu*; Yi Li*; Lingna Lyu; Liang Xiao; Aliza Anwar Memon; Xin Yu; Arvin Halim; Shivani Patel; Abdikheyre Osman; Wenqing Yin; Jie Jiang; Said Naini; Kenneth Lim; Aifeng Zhang; Jonathan Williams; Ruth Koester; Kevin Zeng Qi; Quynh-Anh Fucci; Lai Ding; Steven Chang; Ankit Patel; Yutaro Mori; Advika Chaudhari; Aaron Bao; Jia Liu; Tzongshi Lu; Andrew Siedlecki; Integrin alpha-5 is regulated by miR- 218-5p in endothelial progenitor cells, Journal of The American Society of Nephrology, 2022, 33(3): 565-582. (*Equal contributions)
Jialing Liu*; Yanmei Zhang*; Hongqin Sheng*; Chunling Liang; Huazhen Liu;Jose Alberto Moran Guerrero; Zhaoyu Lu; Wei Mao; Zhenhua Dai†; Xusheng Liu†; Lei Zhang†; Hyperoside Suppresses Renal Inflammation by Regulating Macrophage Polarization in Mice with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Frontiers in Immunology, 2021.12. (*Equal contributions; † co-corresponding authors)
Wang, Xiaojie*; Liu, Jialing*; Yin, Wenqing; Abdi, Farhiya; Pang, Paul D; Fucci, Quynh-Anh;Abbott, Molly; Chang, Steven L; Steele, Graeme; Patel, Ankit; Mori, Yutaro; Zhang, Aifeng; Zhu, Shikai; Lu, Tzong-Shi; Kibel, Adam S; Wang, Bin; Lim, Kenneth; Siedlecki, Andrew M; miR-218 Expressed in Endothelial Progenitor Cells Contributes to the Development and Repair of the Kidney Microvasculature, The American Journal of Pathology, 2020, 190(3): 642-659. (*Equal contributions)
Jialing Liu; Aliza Anwar Memon; Lingna Lyu; Andrew Siedlecki; Comment on “Pharmacology, Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Eculizumab, and Possibilities for an Individualized Approach to Eculizumab”, Clinical Pharmacokinetics, 2020, 59(12): 1641-1643.
Jialing Liu; Jingru Lian; Yafei Chen; Xin Zhao; ChangZheng Du; Yang Xu; Hailiang Hu; Hai Rao; Xin Hong; Circulating Tumor Cells (CTCs): A Unique Model of Cancer Metastases and Non-invasive Biomarkers of Therapeutic Response. Frontiers in Genetics, 2021, 12.