
1999.9-2003.6 武汉大学,药学专业,学士
2003.9-2006.6 武汉大学,药物化学,硕士
2009.1-2013.10 香港理工大学,生物化学与分子生物学专业,博士
2006.07-2008.08 上海药明康德新药开发有限公司 药物合成研究员
2013.10-2014.07 香港理工大学,研究助理
2014.07-2016.07 香港理工大学,博士后
2016.09-2019.05 南方科技大学,博士后
1. Shuai Wu # ,Yunjiao He#, Xianxiu Qiu,Wenchao Yang, Wenchao Liu, Xiaohua Li, Yan Li,Han-Ming Shen,Renxiao Wang, Zhenyu Yue, YanxiangZhao*. Targeting the potent Beclin 1-UVRAG coiled-coil interaction with designed peptides enhances autophagy and endolysosomal trafficking. Proc Natl Acad Sci , 2018 Jun 19;115(25):E5669-E5678. (Co-first author)
2. Pan, Xuehua#; He, Yunjiao#; Chen, Tianfeng; Chan, Kin-Fai; Zhao, Yanxiang*, Modified Penicillin Molecule with Carbapenem- Like Stereochemistry Specifically Inhibits Class C beta-Lactamases. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 2017.12, 61(12). (Co-first author)
3. Pan, Xuehua; He, Yunjiao; Lei, Jinping; Huang, Xuhui; Zhao, Yanxiang*,Crystallographic Snapshots of Class A beta-Lactamase Catalysis Reveal Structural Changes That Facilitate beta-Lactam Hydrolysis. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2017.3, 292(10): 4022~4033.
4. Pan, Xuehua; Wong, Wai-Ting; He, Yunjiao; Jiang, Yongwen; Zhao, Yanxiang*. Perturbing the General Base Residue Glu166 in the Active Site of Class A beta-Lactamase Leads to Enhanced Carbapenem Binding and Acylation Biochemistry, 2014.8.26, 53(33): 5414~5423.
5. Teng H.; He Yunjiao.; Wu L.; Su J.; Feng X.; Qiu G.; Liang S.; Hu X*. A general and facile synthetic approach to N-alpha-Boc ureidoalanine derivatives. Synlett, 2006, (6): 877~880.
6. He Y, Lei J, Pan X, Huang X and Zhao Y. “Novel intermediates in the active site of Class A β-lactamase reveal critical factors that coordinate the catalytic water molecule for nucleophilic attack on β-lactam acyl adduct”. Scientific reports, 2019(Accepted)
Patent: 20061001876. Xianming Hu, Hanbing Teng, Yunjiao He. A Facile Synthetic Approach to Na-Boc Ureidoalanine Derivatives.
Patent number:9,潘雪华,贺云娇,陈建辉,赵燕湘,C类β-内酰胺酶抑制剂及其制备方法和应用。
United States Patent Application 20180002381, Zhao, Yanxiang, WU, Shuai , Yang, Wenchao, HE, Yunjiao, LI, Xiaohua, Qiu, Xianxiu, Hydrocarbon-stapled polypeptides for enhancement of endosome-lysosomal degradation.