
南方科技大学地球与空间科学系教授,博士生导师,国家级高层次人才。2005年获中山大学地质学学士学位,2008年获北京大学地球物理学硕士学位,2013年获美国普林斯顿大学地球科学博士学位。2013-2015年在美国德克萨斯州立大学奥斯汀分校从事博士后研究。2015-2024年在美国德克萨斯州立大学达拉斯分校地球科学系先后担任助理教授和长聘副教授。2024年9月入职南方科技大学地球与空间科学系。主要从事地球内部物理、地震波成像以及环境地球物理学研究。以第一作者和通讯作者在Science(1)、Nature Geoscience(1)、Nature Communications(3)等国内外著名学术期刊发表论文70余篇,SCI引用逾2400余次,h-index 27。曾获2012年国家优秀自费留学生特别优秀奖、2019年国际勘探地球物理学家学会J. Clarence Karcher(青年科学家)奖、2019年美国地球物理学会优秀审稿人、2021年美国自然科学基金会青年科学家职业奖(NSF CAREER award)、2023年德国洪堡资深学者等荣誉称号。多次主持美国自然科学基金会、德克萨斯州政府以及国际知名石油公司(埃克森美孚、壳牌、英国石油等)的科研项目。现任Scientific Report 和Geophysics杂志副主编。曾任日本东京大学(2022年)和德国慕尼黑大学(2023年)访问教授。
2023年, 德国洪堡基金会资深学者
2021年, 美国自然科学基金会青年科学家职业奖(NSF CAREER award)
2019年, 国际勘探地球物理学家学会J. Clarence Karcher(青年科学家)奖
2019年, 美国地球物理学会优秀审稿人
2012年, 国家优秀自费留学生特别优秀奖
《Scientific Report》 副主编
《Geophysics》 副主编
1. 地球内部物理
2. 地震波成像
3. 环境地震学
4. 勘探地震学
B. He, C. Yu, D. Lumley, Q. Liu, N. Takeuchi and H. Kawakatsu and H. Zhu, 2024, Passive source reverse time migration based on the spectral element method, Journal of Geophysical Research, in revision.
O. Budur, X. Li, D. Lumley and H. Zhu, 2024, Seismic full-waveform inversion reveals radially anisotropic upper mantle structures beneath the Australian Plate, Journal of Geophysical Research, in revision.
B. He, H. Zhu and D. Lumley, 2024, Improving signal-to-noise ratios of ambient noise cross- correlation functions using local attributes, Geophysical Journal International, 10.1093/gji/ggae228.
B. He, K. Wang, T. Liu, T. Lei, N. Du, S. van der Lee, F. Darbyshire, A. Frederiksen, H. Zhu, D. Lumley and Q. Liu, 2024, Lithospheric structure of the Mid-continent Rift revealed by full waveform joint inversion of ambient-noise data and teleseismic P waves, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, in press.
X. Dong, H. Zhu and D. Yang, 2024, Optimal transport map with prescribed direction indicator for seismic full-waveform inversion, Journal of Geophysical Research, 10.1029/2023JB027342.
J. Yang, S. Qin, J. Huang, H. Zhu, D. Lumley, G. McMechan, J. Sun and H. Zhang, 2024, Truncated pseudo-differential operator and its applications in viscoacoustic reverse-time migration, Geophysical Journal International, 1794-1807.
J. Yang, J. Huang, H. Zhang, J. Sun, H. Zhu, G. McMechan and Y. Zhang, 2024, Low-rank representation for seismic reflectivity model and its application in least-squares imaging, Surveys in Geophysics, in press.
J. Yang, H. Zhu, Z. Zhao, J. Huang, D. Lumley, R. Stern, A. Arnulf, R. Dunn and J. Ma, 2024, Asymmetric magma plumbing beneath the Axial Seamount of the Juan de Fuca Ridge, Nature Communications, 4767.
Y. Zhang, H. Zhu, Y. Liu and T. Chen, 2024, Power-law frequency-dependent Q simulations in viscoacoustic media using decoupled fractional Laplacians, Geophysics, T183-T194.
H. Wu, S. Zhang, X. Dong, H. Zhu and S. Lu, 2024, Joint migration inversion based on a full-wavefield acoustic wave equation with vector reflectivity, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, doi:1109/TGRS.2024.3349608.
Y. Zhang, H. Zhu, Y. Liu and T. Chen, 2024, Frequency-dependent Q simulation and viscoa- coustic reverse-time migration based on the fractional Zener model, Geophysics, S47-S59.
Y. Zhang, T. Chen, H. Zhu and Y. Liu, 2024, A stable Q-compensated reverse-time migration method using fractional viscoacoustic wave equation, Geophysics, S15-S29.
S. Zhang and H. Zhu, 2023, Constructing a 3-D radially anisotropic crustal velocity model for Oklahoma using full waveform inversion, Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, e2023JB026992.
S. Zhang, B. Luo, Y. Ben-Zion, D. Lumley and H. Zhu, 2023, Monitoring terrestrial water storage, drought and seasonal changes in central Oklahoma with ambient seismic noise, Geophysical Research Letters, e2023GL103419.
B. Luo, S. Zhang and H. Zhu, 2023, Monitoring seasonal fluctuation and long-term trends for the Greenland Ice Sheet using seismic noise auto-correlations, Geophysical Research Letters, e2022GL102146.
H. Feng, W. Gan, L. Qiu, X. Ye, H. Zhu and Z. Jin, 2023, Spatio-temporal distribution and geo- dynamic evolution of Cenozoic volcanism in northeast China: insights from a new geochronological compilation, International Geology Review, doi:10.1080/00206814.2023.2247837.
Y. Zhang, T. Chen, Y. Liu and H. Zhu, 2023, High-temporal-accuracy viscoacoustic wave propa- gation based on k-space compensation and the fractional Zener model, Surveys in Geophysics, 821-845.
Y. Zhang, T. Chen, H. Zhu, Y. Liu, T. Xing and X. Zhang, 2023, Approximating constant-Q seismic wave propagation in acoustic and elastic media using a Cole-Cole model, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 312-332.
H. Zhu, Q. Liu and J. Yang, 2023, Recent progress on full waveform inversion, Reviews of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, 287-317.
C. Duan, D. Lumley and H. Zhu, 2022, Micro-earthquake location and uncertainty analysis using a wavefront cross-correlation imaging method: a comparison with traveltime inversion and full wavefield imaging methods, Geophysics, KS147-KS167
J. Yang, J. Huang, H. Zhu, G. McMechan and Z. Li, 2022, Introduction to a two-way beam wave method and its applications in seismic imaging, Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, e2021JB023357.
J. Yang, J. Huang, H. Zhu, G. McMechan and Z. Li, 2022, An efficient and stable high- resolution seismic imaging method: Point-spread function deconvolution, Journal of Geophys- ical Research-Solid Earth, e2021JB023281.
B. Luo, H. Zhu, J. Yang, T. Lay, L. Ye, Z. Lu and D. Lumley, 2022, Detecting and locating aftershocks for the 2020 Mw 6.5 Stanley, Idaho earthquake using convolutional neural networks, Seismological Research Letters, 3266-3277.
Y. Chen, Z. Zhao and H. Zhu, 2022, Biot-spherical (BISSQ) model for wave attenuation and dispersion, Geophysical Journal International, 1138-1149.
F. Kong, S. Gao, K. Liu, Y. Fang, J. Li, R. Stern and H. Zhu, 2022, Metastable olivine within oceanic lithosphere in the uppermost lower mantle, Geology, 776-780.
X. Dong, D. Yang and H. Zhu, 2022, Geometry-preserving full waveform tomography and its application in the Longmen Shan area, Science China Earth Sciences, 437-448.
Y. Zhang, Y. Liu, H. Zhu, T. Chen and J. Li, 2022, Modified viscoelastic wave propagations in the time domain using the new fractional Laplacians, Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 346-361.
Y. Zhang, T. Chen, Y. Liu, H. Zhu, G. Zhu and Y. Niu, 2022, Viscoelastic wave propagation in transversely isotropic media based on constant-order fractional polynomial approximations, Geophysics, T363-T379.
Y. Chen, L. Colli, D. Bird and H. Zhu, 2021, Caribbean plate tilted and actively dragged eastwards by low-viscosity asthenospheric flow, Nature Communications, 12, 1–9.
J. Yang, H. Zhu, T. Lay, Y. Niu, L. Ye, Z. Lu, B. Luo, H. Kanamori, J. Huang and Z. Li, 2021, Multi-fault opposing-dip strike-slip and normal-fault rupture during the 2020 Mw 6.5 Stanley, Idaho earthquake, Geophysical Research Letters, e2021GL092510.
J. Yang, J. Huang, Z. Li, H. Zhu and G. McMechan, 2021, Approximating the Gauss-Newton Hessian using space-wavenumber filter and its applications in least-squares seismic imaging, Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, doi:10.1109/TGRS.2021.3064852.
J. Yang, J. Huang, Z. Li, H. Zhu, G. McMechan, J. Zhang, C. Hu and Y. Zhao, 2021, Mitigating velocity errors in least-squares imaging using angle-dependent forward and adjoint Gaussian beam operators, Survey in Geophysics, 1305-1346.
J. Yang, J. Huang, H. Zhu and N. Dai, 2021, Viscoacoustic reverse time migration with a robust space-wavenumber domain attenuation compensation operator, Geophysics, 86, 1–95.
C. Duan, D. Lumley and H. Zhu, 2021, Estimation of micro-earthquake locations based on full adjoint P and S wavefield imaging, Geophysical Journal International, 226, 2116–2144.
H. Zhu, R. Stern and J. Yang, 2020, Seismic evidence for subduction-induced mantle flows un- derneath Middle America, Nature Communications, 11, 1-12.
J. Yang, H. Zhu and D. Lumley, 2020, Time-lapse imaging of coseismic ruptures for the 2019 Ridgecrest earthquakes using multi-azimuth back-projection with regional seismic data and a 3D crustal velocity model, Geophysical Research Letters, 47, e2020GL087181.
H. Zhu, X. Li, J. Yang, R. Stern and D. Lumley, 2020, Poloidal- and toroidal-mode mantle flows underneath the Cascadia Subduction Zone, Geophysical Research Letters, 47, e2020GL087430.
J. Yang, H. Zhu, X. Li, L. Ren and S. Zhang, 2020, Estimating P-wave velocity and attenuation structure using full waveform inversion based on a time-domain complex-valued viscoacoustic wave equation: The method, Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 125, e2019JB019129.
J. Yang, B. Hua, P. Williamson, H. Zhu, G. McMechan and J. Huang, 2020, Elastic least-squares imaging in tilted transversely isotropic media for multicomponent land and pressure marine data, Survey in Geophysics, 41, 805-833.
H. Zhu, J. Yang and X. Li, 2020, Azimuthal anisotropy of the North American upper man- tle based on full waveform inversion, Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 125, e2019JB018432.
X. Dong, D. Yang and H. Zhu, 2020, Adjoint tomography of the lithospheric structure beneath Northeastern Tibet, Seismological Research Letters, 91, 3304–3312.
A. Lloyd, D. Wiens, H. Zhu, J. Tromp, A. Nyblade, R. Aster, S. Hansen, I. Dalziel and T. Wilson, 2019, Seismic structure of the Antarctic upper mantle imaged with adjoint tomography, Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 125, 10.1029/2019JB017823.
J. Yang, H. Zhu, G. McMechan, H. Zhang and Y. Zhao, 2019, Elastic least-squares reverse-time migration in vertical transverse isotropic media, Geophysics, 84, S539-S553.
Y. Zhao, T. Liu, X. Jia, H. Liu, Z. Xue, H. Zhang, H. Zhu and H. Liang, 2019, Surface-offset gathers from elastic reverse-time migration and velocity analysis, Geophysics, 85, S47-S64.
J. Yang and H. Zhu, 2019, Viscoacoustic least-squares reverse-time migration using a time-domain complex-valued wave equation, Geophysics, 84, S479–S499.
J. Yang and H. Zhu, 2019, Locating and monitoring microseismicity, hydraulic fracture and earthquake rupture using elastic reverse-time migration, Geophysical Journal International, 216, 726–744.
J. Yang, H. Zhang, Y. Zhao and H. Zhu, 2019, Elastic wavefield separation in anisotropic media based on eigenform analysis and its applications in reverse-time migration, Geophysical Journal Internal, 217, 1290–1313.
J. Yang and H. Zhu, 2018, Viscoacoustic reverse-time migration using a time-domain complex- valued wave equation, Geophysics, 83, S505–S519.
J. Yang, H. Zhu, W. Wang, Y. Zhao and H. Zhang, 2018, Isotropic elastic reverse-time migration using phase- and amplitude-corrected vector P- and S-wavefields. Geophysics, 83, S489–S503.
J. Yang and H. Zhu, 2018, A time-domain complex-valued wave equation for modeling viscoa- coustic wave propagation, Geophysical Journal International, 215, 1064–1079.
H. Zhu, 2018, High Vp/Vs ratio in the crust and uppermost mantle beneath volcanoes in the Central and Eastern Anatolia, Geophysical Journal International, 214, 2151–2163.
H. Zhu, 2018, Crustal wavespeed structure of North Texas and Oklahoma based on ambient noise cross-correlation functions and adjoint tomography, Geophysical Journal International, 214, 716–730.
J. Yang and H. Zhu, G. McMechan and Y. Yue, 2018, Time-domain least-squares migration using the Gaussian beam summation method, Geophysical Journal International, 214, 548–572.
X. Li and H. Zhu, 2018, A finite-difference approach for solving pure quasi-P wave equation in transversely isotropic and orthorthombic media, Geophysics, 83, C161–C172.
H. Zhu, 2018, Seismogram registration via Markov chain Monte Carlo optimization and its ap- plications in full waveform inversion, Geophysical Journal International, 212, 976-987.
J. Yang and H. Zhu, 2018, A practical data-driven optimization strategy for Gaussian beam migration, Geophysics, 83, S81-S92.
J. Yang, H. Zhu, J. Huang and Z. Li, 2018, 2D isotropic elastic Gaussian beam migration for common-shot multicomponent records, Geophysics, 83, S127-S140.
H. Zhu, D. Komatitsch and J. Tromp, 2017, Radial anisotropy of the North American upper mantle based on adjoint tomography with USArray, Geophysical Journal International, 211, 349–377.
Z. Xue, H. Zhu and S. Fomel, 2017, Full waveform inversion using seislet regularization, Geophysics, 82, A43–A49.
H. Zhu, 2017, Elastic wavefield separation based on the Helmholtz decomposition, Geophysics, 82, S173–S183.
H. Zhu, S. Li, S. Fomel, G. Stadler and O. Ghattas, 2016, A Bayesian approach to estimate uncer- tainty for full-waveform inversion using a priori information from depth migration, Geophysics, 81, R307–R323.
H. Zhu and S. Fomel, 2016, Building good starting model for full-waveform inversion using adaptive matching filtering misfit, Geophysics, 81, U61–U72.
H. Zhu, E. Bozdag and J. Tromp, 2015, Seismic structure of the European crust and upper mantle based on adjoint tomography, Geophysical Journal International, 201, 18-52.
H. Zhu and J. Tromp, 2013, Mapping tectonic deformation in the crust and upper mantle beneath Europe and the North Atlantic Ocean, Science, 341, 871–875.
H. Zhu, E. Bozdag, T. Duffy and J. Tromp, 2013, Seismic attenuation beneath Europe and the North Atlantic: Implications for water in the mantle, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 381, 1–11.
H. Zhu, E. Bozdag, D. Peter and J. Tromp, 2012, Seismic wavespeed images across the Iapetus and Tornquist Suture Zones, Geophysical Research Letter, 39, L18304.
H. Zhu, E. Bozdag, D. Peter and J. Tromp, 2012, Structure of the European upper mantle revealed by adjoint tomography, Nature Geoscience, 5, 493–498.
J. Tromp, D. Komatitsch, V. Hjorleifsdottir, Q.Y. Liu, H. Zhu, D. Peter, E. Bozdag, D. McRitchie, P. Friberg, C. Trabant, 2010, Near real-time simulation of global CMT earthquakes, Geophysical Journal International, 183, 381–389.
H. Zhu, Y. Luo, T. Nissen-Meyer, C. Morency and J. Tromp, 2009, Elastic imaging and time-lapse migration based upon adjoint methods, Geophysics, 74, WCA167–WCA177.
Y. Luo, H. Zhu, T. Nissen-Meyer, C. Morency and J. Tromp, 2009, Seismic modeling and imaging based upon spectral-element and adjoint methods, The Leading Edge, 28, 568–574.
H. Zhu, W. Zhang and X.F. Chen, 2009, Two-dimensional seismic wave simulation in anisotropic media by non-staggered finite difference method, Chinese Journal Geophysics, 52, 1536–1546.