
李春英,工学博士,现任南方科技大学副研究员,深圳市鹏城孔雀特聘人才,2024年海洋强国青年科学家。主要研究方向为仿生机器人、两栖机器人、多机协作、多传感器融合、水下通信、协同定位与导航等,致力于解决复杂环境下仿生小型多智能体协同编队与环境感知技术难题与挑战。主持深圳市优秀科技创新人才培养、国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目,作为课题骨干参与日本学术研究资助项目SPS KAKENHI、天津市科技创新合作等项目。相关研究进展已在Information Fusion, Ocean Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement, IEEE Systems Journal等国际知名期刊及会议发表论文约35篇。获得中国政府国家公派留学生(CSC)奖学金、中国自动化学会自然科学二等奖等。现担任IEEE ICMA国际旗舰会议Finance Chair(2025)、Publication Co-Chair(2024)、分会场主席等。
2021-2023 日本国立香川大学, 智能机械系统工程, 博士
2017-2020 天津理工大学, 控制工程, 硕士
2023.10-现在 南方科技大学电子与电气工程系,研究助理教授
2021.06-2023.07 日本国立香川大学,智能机械系统工程,研究助理
智能仿生水下机器人(Biomimetic Underwater Microrobots)
2024年IEEE ICMA 国际会议Co-Publication Chair
2021-2024年IEEE ICMA 国际会议分会主席(Session Chair)
1. Chunying Li, Shuxiang Guo*, Characteristic Evaluation via Multi-Sensor Information Fusion Strategy for Spherical Underwater Robots, Information Fusion, 95: 199-214, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.inffus.2023.02.024, 2023. (JCR Q1,中科院1区 TOP, IF=17.564)
2. Chunying Li, Shuxiang Guo*, Performance Evaluation of Spherical Underwater Robot with Attitude Controller, Ocean Engineering, 268 (15): 113434, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2022.113434, 2023. (JCR Q1, 中科院2区 TOP, IF=4.372)
3. Chunying Li, Shuxiang Guo*, Adaptive Multi-Mode Switching Strategy for the Spherical Underwater Robot with Hybrid Thruster, Advanced Engineering Informatics, 55: 101845, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aei.2022.101845, 2023. (JCR Q1, 中科院1区 TOP, IF=7.862)
4. Chunying Li, Shuxiang Guo*, Jian Guo, Study on Obstacle Avoidance Strategy Using Multiple Ultrasonic Sensors for Spherical Underwater Robots, IEEE Sensors Journal, 22(24): 24458-24470, 10.1109/JSEN.2022.3220246, 2022. (JCR Q1, 中科院2区 TOP, IF=4.325(2022年杂志影响因子))
5. Ao Li, Shuxiang Guo*, Chunying Li*, An Artificial Lateral Line-Based Active Obstacle Recognition Strategy and Performance Evaluation for Bionic Underwater Robots, IEEE Sensors Journal, 24(16): 26266 –26277, 2024. ( JCR Q1, 中科院2区, IF=4.3).
6. Chunying Li, Shuxiang Guo*, Jian Guo, Performance Evaluation of a Hybrid Thruster for Spherical Underwater Robots, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement, 71: 7503110, 10.1109/TIM.2022.3178700, 2022. (JCR Q1, 中科院2区,IF=5.332(2022年杂志影响因子))
7. Chunying Li, Shuxiang Guo, Jian Guo, Tracking Control in Presence of Obstacles and Uncertainties for Bioinspired Spherical Underwater Robots, Journal of Bionic Engineering, JBEN-D-22-00148R2, https://doi.org/10.1007/s42235-022-00268-z, 2022. (中科院2区,JCR Q2)
8. Jian Guo, Chunying Li, Shuxiang Guo, Study on the Autonomous Multi-Robot Collaborative Control System Based on Spherical Amphibious Robots, IEEE System Journal, DOI:10.1109/JSYST.2020.3023727, 2020. (中科院2区,JCR Q1)
9. Jian Guo, Chunying Li, Shuxiang Guo, Path Optimization Method for the Spherical Underwater Robot in Unknown Environment, Journal of Bionic Engineering, JBEN-D-20-00028R3, DOI: https://doi.org/12345-019-1234-x, 2020. (中科院2区,JCR Q2)
10. Ruochen An, Shuxiang Guo, Yuanhua Yu, Chunying Li and Tendeng Awa, “Task Planning and Collaboration of Jellyfish-inspired Multiple Spherical Underwater Robots”, Journal of Bionic Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1007/s42235-022-00164-6, 2022.
11. Ruochen An, Shuxiang Guo, Chunying Li and Tendeng Awa, Multiple Bio-Inspired Father–Son Underwater Robot for Underwater Target Object Acquisition and Identification, Micromachines, 13, 25. https://doi.org/10.3390/mi13010025, 2021.