
白波,香港大学心血管生物医学博士,新加坡科技研究局 (A*STAR) 博士后,现任南方科技大学公共卫生与应急管理学院研究助理教授。长期从事心血管疾病 (内皮衰老、动脉粥样硬化、心力衰竭等) 的基础与临床研究。以第一及共同作者发表SCI论文23篇,他引累计480余次,h-index:13。代表性工作发表于Circulation、JACC: Basic to Translational Science、British Journal of Pharmacology等期刊,并被Circulation编辑及国际动脉粥样硬化学会Highlight。目前主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、广东省自然科学基金面上项目各1项。担任Journal of inflammation research, Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Therapy 等期刊审稿人。2020年被认定为深圳市海外高层次C类人才(任期:2020-2025年)。
2022/07-至今, 南方科技大学公共卫生及应急管理学院, 研究助理教授
09/2016-08/2020,香港大学李嘉诚医学院,荣誉助理教授, (兼任)
广东省基础与应用基础研究基金委员会, 面上项目(2021A1515010696),10万,2021-2023,主持。
深圳市第二人民医院“高水平医院建设科研启动基金” (4001019),30万, 2019-2022,主持。
代表性论文 (#共同一作,*通讯作者)
1. Bo BAI, Yun Xu, Haibo Chen. Pathogenic roles of neutrophil-derived alarmins (S100A8/A9) in heart failure: from molecular mechanisms to therapeutic insights. British Journal of Pharmacology, 2022 (Accepted)
2. Bo BAI, Min Cheng, Lingyan Jiang, et al. High neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio and its gene signatures correlate with diastolic dysfunction in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction. Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine, 2021, 8: 614757.
3. Bo BAI, Haibo Chen. Metformin: A novel weapon against inflammation. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2021, 12: 622262
4. Bo BAI#, Meng Zhang#, Yihao Zhuang, et al. The pregnancy-associated spontaneous coronary artery dissection in a young woman with a novel missense mutation in NOTCH1: a case report. BMC medical genetics, 2020, 21(119):1-8
5. Bo BAI, Wulin Yang, Yanyun Fu, et al. Seipin knockout mice develop heart failure with preserved ejection fraction. JACC: Basic to Translational Science, 2019, 4(8):924-937.
Editorial comments: JACC: Basic to Translational Science, 2019, 4(8): 938-939.
6. YM Guo, Yu Wang, Bo BAI, CDK5, Encyclopedia of signaling molecules, 2018, Springer Science Press, ISBN 978-3-319-67200-7.
7. AW Man, Bo BAI, Yu Wang, Cloning and characterization of sirtuin3 (SIRT3), Methods in Molecular Biology, 2016, Springer Science Press, ISSN: 1064-3745.
8. Bo BAI , Vanhoutte PM, Yu Wang, Loss of SIRT1 function during vascular ageing: hyperphosphorylation mediated by cyclin-dependent kinase 5. Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine, 2014, 24(2): 81-84
9. Bo BAI, Yu Wang, Methods to investigate the role of SIRT1 in endothelial senescence, Methods in Molecular Biology, 2012, Springer Science Press, ISSN: 1064-3745.
10. Bo BAI, Yan Liang, Cheng Xu, et al, Cyclin-dependent kinase 5-mediated hyperphosphorylation of sirtuin-1 contributes to the development of endothelial senescence and atherosclerosis. Circulation, 2012, 126(6):729-740.
Editorial comments: The most read articles on topics of vascular medicine and atherosclerosis. Circulation, 2013;128:e220-234, e328-335. Highlighted by the Asia-Pacific International Molecular Biology Network (A-IMBN) and International Atherosclerosis Society (www.athero.org)
11. Bo BAI, Yu Wang. The use of lorcaserin in the management of obesity: a critical appraisal. Drug Design, Development and Therapy, 2011, 5: 1-7