
Noise Spectroscopy Without Dynamical Decoupling Pulses
Arian Vezvaee
2022-11-9 10:00
Tencent Meeting ID: 281 377 623

Moduli Space of ALH^*-Gravitational Instantons
Yu-Shen Lin
2022-11-9 9:00
Zoom ID: 971 1062 5774, Passcode: 474205

Hartree equation in the Schatten class
Kenji Nakanishi
2022-11-08 14:30
Zoom ID: 951 8222 8581, Passcode: 221108

Charge density wave in Kagome lattice FeGe
Pengcheng Dai
2022-11-8 10:00
Tencent Meeting ID: 230 440 518