
Multi-Core Techniques for Wideband, Low Phase Noise, Low Jitter mmW Frequency Generation
Dr. Yiyang Shu,UESTC
2024-05-21 16:30
Room 427, Building 3,Nanshan i Park Chongwen

Stationary phase analysis: making sense of nonballistic arrivals in noise cross-correlation functions
Dr. Yunyue, Purdue University
2024-05-20 14:30
Room E3152,College of Science

Functional evolution of Asgard archaea and origin of eukaryotes
LI Meng (Shenzhen University)
2024-05-20 11:00
Tencent Meeting(ID:678-297-136)| KouShare

Induced polarization effect in time-domain electromagnetic prospecting-Theory and Applications
Hesham El-Kaliouby, National Research Center in Egypt
2024-05-19 09:00
Room E3153,College of Science