
Laboratory Studies to Understand the Controls on Flow and Transport for Subsurface CO2 Storages
Ronny Pini
2022-4-28 15:00
Tencent Meeting ID: 814 429 845

Discovering and Reusing Prior Knowledge from Visual Data
Shengfeng HE
2022-4-28 15:00
Room 206, Lychee Hills No.1

Estimation and Inference with Proxy Data and its Genetic Applications
Sai LI
2022-4-28 14:00
Tencent Meeting ID: 834 362 328

Hydraulic fracture geometry characterization using digital rock model and low frequency distributed acoustic sensing (LFDAS)
Chaoyi Wang
2022-4-28 10:00
Tencent Meeting ID: 606 962 818