Associate Professor, Centre for Social Science (Tenured Position)
Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech), Shenzhen, China
PhD (Anthropology), The Australian National University (ANU), Australia. 2011
Master of Arts (Folklore), Yunnan University, China. 2004
Bachelor of Arts (Journalism), Yunnan University, China. 1997
2014. ICAS (International Convention of Asia Scholars), The Best Book in English in Social Sciences from 2013-2015, for Puer Tea: Ancient Caravans and Urban Chic (Jinghong Zhang, 2014, University of Washington Press).
1. Social and Cultural Anthropology (anthropology of food, material culture, consumption)
2. Visual Anthropology and Sensory Ethnography (including ethnographic filmmaking)
2017–now. Associate Professor, Centre for Social Sciences, SUSTech,China.
2013–2016. Postdoctoral Fellow, Australian Centre on China in the World, ANU.
2011–2013. Lecturer, Department of Journalism, Yunnan University, China.
(2006–2011. PhD study)
2004–2006. Lecturer, Department of Journalism, Yunnan University, China.
(2001–2004. Master study)
1997–2001. Reporter and editor, Kunming Television Station, Yunnan, China.
PUBLICATIONS (Independent authorship and published in English unless otherwise noted)
· Books
2014. Puer Tea: Ancient Caravans and Urban Chic. Seattle and London: University of Washington Press (awarded as The Best Book in English in Social Sciences by ICAS in 2015)
2023. [In Chinese]. Sheng Shu You Dao: Puer Cha de Shanlin, Shijing he Jianghu (Ways of Being Raw and Cooked: The Jianghu of Puer Tea). Shanghai: East China Normal University Press.
· Journal Articles
2024 [In Chinese] Nianqing zhi wei: cong Chaozhou he Shenzhen kan Zhongguo dushi nianqing shidai de ganguan ji shehui xiaofei pinwei (Taste of Young: sensorial and social consumption of the Chinese youth). Journal of Chinese Dietary Culture 20 (1):7-38. TSSCI, THCI
2024. [In Chinese] Yiwan jian renqing. Xinrui Weekly 132: 8-10.
2023 [In Chinese] Pianli, huigui he zashi (Deviance, return and omnivore: hybrid choices of Chaozhou youth towards traditional heritage culture). Wenhua Yichan (Cultural Heritage) (2):101-108. CSSCI
2023. [In Chinese]Kuawenhua, nianqinghua he xiandaihua:he “chuantong” duihua de sange mianxiang (Cross-culture, youth culture and modernization: three ways of engaging with “tradition”. Wenhua Yichan (Cultural Heritage) (2):91. CSSCI
2022. Hybridity with exclusion: Chinese tea rebrewed in Australia. Asian Journal of Social Science. 50 (3): 186-194. DOI: 10.1016/j.ajss.2022.08.006 SSCI
2022. (Co-author, with Shuenn-Der Yu) Reinventing a Tradition: East Asian Tea Cultures in the Contemporary World. Asian Journal of Social Science 50 (3):167-170. DOI:10.1016/j.ajss.2022.06.006 SSCI
2022. [In Chinese] Liangtiaotui zoulu: yingxiang he wenben minzuzhi de pingxing chuangzuo (Walking on two legs: juxtaposing filmmaking and writing in anthropological research). Minzu Yishu (Ethnic Art) 4: 43-52. CSSCI
2021. [In Chinese] Cha qi he cha yun: zhongguo shi de weigan biaoshu (Qi and Yun of Tea: The Chinese Weigan Expression). Wenhua Yichan (Cultural Heritage) (6): 71-79. CSSCI
2021. “A sense of life”: the abstruse language of taste in Chinese culture. Food, Culture & Society. Published online first on 3 September. DOI:10.1080/15528014.2021.1971437 SSCI
2020. Rituals, discourses, and realities: serious wine and tea tasting in contemporary China. Journal of Consumer Culture 20 (4): 637-655.
DOI: 10.1177/1469540518773812 SSCI
2020. [In Chinese] Yixin yiyi: paishezhe yu bei paishezhe de gonggan (Concentration: intersensoriality between the Filmmaker and the Subject). Shanghai University Proceedings (Social Science Edition) 37(3): 37-48. CSSCI
2019. [In Chinese] Gongfucha yichan de bianyuanhua he youdongxing (The marginalization and mobility of gongfu tea). Yichan (Heritage) 1: 293-311.
2019. [In Chinese] Diushi de weijue? Renleixue paishe de ganguan mishi yu tansuo (Lost sense of taste? Sensory loss and exploration in anthropological filmmaking). ARTISTICA TNNUA (Tainan University of the Arts) 18: 01-20.
2018. A Transnational flow of art of tea: the paradox of cultural authenticity in Taiwan. The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology 19 (1): 1-18.
DOI: 10.1080/14442213.2017.1400090 SSCI
2018. [Second author, in Chinese] Jianbin Guo, Jinghong Zhang, Ling Zhang & Jingjing Chen. Shijue zhanyan: zhongguo nongcun dianying fangying shijian de wenhua chanshi (Visual performance: cultural interpretation of cinema screening practice in rural China). Xinwen yu Chuanbo Yanjiu (News and Broadcasting Studies) (4): 57-75. CSSCI
2017. Tasting tea and filming tea: the engaged sensory experience of the filmmaker. Visual Anthropology Review 33 (2): 142-152. DOI: 10.1111/var.12132 (Top journal on visual anthropology, under American Anthropological Association)
2017. [In Chinese] Chahui he putaojiu hui: zhongguo dangdai xiaofei zhi shehui zhengzhi lunshu chutan (Tea and wine: the social and political discourses of consumption in contemporary China). Journal of Chinese Dietary Culture 13 (1): 75-119. TSSCI, THCI, ACI
2016. [In Chinese] Liudong, Juhe yu quge: Taiwan chayi fanzhan zhong de maodun he dongli (Flow, convergence, and distinction: paradox and power in the development of Taiwan’s art of tea). Taiwan Journal of Anthropology 14 (1): 55-87. TSSCI
2016. [In Chinese] Chonggou de zhengzongxing: Puer cha kua shikong de “fengtu” (Authenticity of re-construction: the terroir of Yunnan Puer tea across time and space). Guangxi Nationality University Proceedings (Philosophy and Social Science Edition). 48 (4): 22-33. CSSCI
2015. Losses and gains to the anthropological soul, The Newsletter no.72 Autumn: 31,Leiden: International Institute for Asian Studies. https://www.iias.asia/the-newsletter/article/losses-gains-anthropological-soul
2014. [In Chinese] Liangci canyushi jiaoxue de shijian yu fansi (Practices and reflections on twice participatory teaching). Yingshi Renleixue Luntan (Visual Anthropology Forum) 4: 17-22.
2012. In between “the raw” and “the cooked”: the cultural speculation and debate on Puer tea in contemporary China, Harvard Asia Quarterly, Spring/Summer, vol. XIV, no.1 & 2: 44-52. http://www.andrewerickson.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Erickson-Strange_Selfish-Superpower-No-Longer_PRC-Anti-Piracy_HAQ_2012-1-2.pdf
2012. The interaction between visual and written ethnography in subtitling, Visual Anthropology 25 (5): 439-449. DOI: 10.1080/08949468.2012.720200?journalCode=gvan20 (Top journal on Visual Anthropology)
2010. [In Chinese] Zhengshan cha de huihan: cong Yiwu xiang de bianqian kan Puer cha jiazhi de jiangou licheng (Remorse about the authentic mountain tea: packaging Puer tea in Yiwu), Journal of Chinese Dietary Culture 6 (2):103-144. TSSCI, THCI
2010. Multiple visions of authenticity: Puer tea consumption in Yunnan and other places, Journal of Chinese Dietary Culture 6 (1): 63-106. TSSCI, THCI, ACI
· Book Chapters
2012. Puer tea and rural transformation: a case study in Yiwu Yunnan. In Shiyuan Wang ed. Collected Works on the Ancient Tea-Horse Road, vol.2, 80-97, Kunming: Yunnan University Press.
2007. [In Chinese] Tianye hezuo zhong de hushi (Interactive viewing in field cooperation: filmmaking along the Tea-Horse Road in Nujiang Yunnan), In Wenhua shiying yu chuanbo (Cultural Adaptation and Broadcasting), edited by Jianbin Guo, 180-198, Kunming: Yunnan University Press.
· Online Publications
2015. Wine-tasting Chinese Tourists in Australia’, The China Story Journal, Australian Centre on China in the World, ANU, 4 May.
2012. No good buttered tea, no good work’, New Mandala, 30 September. http://asiapacific.anu.edu.au/newmandala/2012/09/30/no-good-buttered-tea-no-good-work/
2008. Puer tea: store with care’, New Mandala, 10 June. http://asiapacific.anu.edu.au/newmandala/2008/06/10/puer-tea-store-with-care/
2006. Tea is a serious business, New Mandala, 14 July, online at http://asiapacific.anu.edu.au/newmandala/2006/07/14/tea-is-a-serious-business/
· Book Review Article
2015. Review of Cultural Heritage Politics in China, Tami Blumenfield and Helaine Silverman eds, New York: Springer, 2013, The China Journal, no. 73: 235-237.
· Ethnographic Films Shot and Edited by Me
2023. Concentration, 60 minutes.
2016. A Screening Journey, 60 minutes, Beijing: Nationality audio-visual press.
2014a Twice Puer Tea in Hong Kong, 15 minutes. University of Washington Press (UWP).
2014b Spring Harvest, 29 minutes. UWP.
2014c Visiting Yiwu, Tasting History, 30 minutes. UWP.
2014d Spring Tasting, 35 minutes. UWP.
2014e Authentic Tea, 24 minutes. UWP.
2014f Walking on Two Legs, 23 minutes. UWP.
2014g Tasting Ancient & Modern. 6 minutes. UWP.
2014h Rough Production Process of Puer Tea in Yiwu, Stills Presentation. UWP.
2014i Fine Production Process of Puer Tea in Yiwu, Stills Presentation. UWP.
2012. The Taste of Puer Tea, 44 minutes, Göttingen: Göttingen International Ethnographic Film Festival, 9-14 May 2012.
2003. Action, Go! 39 minutes. Kunming: Yunnan University. M.A. Research Film.
Puer tea film series are available to watch from: