
Education background:
1987 Ph.D., Physics, University of Pittsburgh
1982 Master of Physics, University of Pittsburgh
1981 Bachelor of Physics, Lanzhou University
Work Experience:
2018.8-present Professor of Mechanics and Aerospace Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology
2014-2018.8 Professor of Zhuo Ming Physics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
2010.8-2015.7 Head of Department of Physics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
2007.8-2010.7 Director, School of Physics, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
2002-2018 Professor, Department of Physics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
1995-2002 Associate Professor, Department of Physics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
1992-1995 Lecturer, Department of Physics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
1989-1992 Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Physics and Chemistry, Cornell University
1989 Assistant Research Fellow, Department of Chemistry, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
2011 China Mechanics Conference Conference Report
2010 Member of the American Physical Society
2009 China National Natural Science Award (second prize)
2009 Report of the 12th European Turbulence Conference
2005 裘槎 Advanced Research Award
2001 China Higher Education Science and Technology Award (Second Prize)
1999 Gansu Science and Technology Progress Award (First Prize)
Research Direction:
Physical ocean, geophysical fluid mechanics, fluid turbulence, complex fluids
SCI Papers:
1. Y.-C. Xie, G.-Y. Ding and K.-Q. Xia, “Flow Topology Transition via Global Bifurcation in Thermally Driven Turbulence” Physical Review Letters 120, 214501 (2018).
2. F. Wang, S.-D. Huang, and K.-Q. Xia, “Contribution of Surface Thermal Forcing to Mixing in the Ocean” Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 123, 855 (2018). (Selected as cover article)
3. K.-L. Chong, S. Wagner, M. Kaczorowski, O. Shishkina, and K.-Q. Xia, “Effect of Prandtl numberon heat transport enhancement in Rayleigh-B´ enard convection under geometrical confinement”Physical Review Fluids 3, 013501 (2018).
4. K.-L. Chong, Y. Yang, S.-D. Huang, J.-Q. Zhong, R. J. A. M. Stevens, R. Verzicco, D. Lohse and K.-Q. Xia, “Confined Rayleigh-B´ enard, Rotating Rayleigh-B´ enard, and Double Diffusive Convection:A Unifying View on Turbulent Transport Enhancement through Coherent Structure Manipulation”Physical Review Letters 119, 064501 (2017).
5. Y.-C. Xie and K.-Q. Xia, “Turbulent thermal convection over rough plates with varying roughnessgeometries” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 825, 573 (2017).
6. F. Wang, S.-D. Huang, and K.-Q. Xia, “Thermal convection with mixed thermal boundary conditions: effects of insulating lids at the top” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 817, R1 (2017).
7. F. Wang, S.-D. Huang, S.-Q. Zhou, and K.-Q. Xia, “Laboratory simulation of the geothermal heating effects on ocean overturning circulation” Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 121, 7589 (2016).
8. K. L. Chong and K.-Q. Xia, “Exploring the severely confined regime in Rayleigh-B´ enard convection” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 805, R4 (2016).
9. H.-D. Xi, Y.-B. Zhang, J.-T. Hao and K.-Q. Xia, “Higher-order flow modes in turbulent Rayleigh-B´ enard convection” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 805, 31 (2016).
10. S.-Q. Zhou, Y.-C. Xie, C. Sun and K.-Q. Xia, “Statistical characterization of thermal plumes in turbulent thermal convection” Physical Review Fluids 1, 054301 (2016).
11. S-D. Huang and K.-Q. Xia, “Effects of geometric confinement in quasi-2-D turbulent Rayleigh-B´ enard convection” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 794, 639 (2016).
12. K.-L. Chong, S.-D. Huang, M. Kaczorowski, and K.-Q. Xia, “Condensation of Coherent Structures in Turbulent Flows” Physical Review Letters 115, 264503 (2015).
13. Y.-C. Xie, S.-D. Huang, D. Funfschilling, X.-M. Li, R. Ni, and K.-Q. Xia, “Effects of polymer additives in the bulk of turbulent thermal convection” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 784, R3,(2015)
14. S.-D. Huang, F. Wang, H.-D. Xi, and K.-Q. Xia, “Comparative Experimental Study of Fixed Temperature and Fixed Heat Flux Boundary Conditions in Turbulent Thermal Convection” Physical Review Letters 115, 154502 (2015).
15. K.-Q. Xia, K.-L. Chong, M. Kaczorowski and S.-D. Huang, “Enhanced heat transfer by a slower flow in highly confined turbulent natural convection” Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer 8
16. R. Ni, S-D. Huang and K.-Q. Xia, “Reversals of the large-scale circulation in quasi-2D Rayleigh-B´ enard convection” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 778, R5 (2015).
17. M. Kaczorowski, K.-L. Chong and K.-Q. Xia, “Turbulent flow in the bulk of Rayleigh-B´ enard convection: aspect ratio-dependence of the small-scale properties” Journal of Fluid Mechanics747, 73 (2014).
18. P. Wei, T.-S. Chan, R. Ni, X.-Z. Zhao and K.-Q. Xia “Heat transport properties of plates with smooth and rough surfaces in turbulent thermal convection” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 740,28 (2014).
19. K.-Q. Xia “Current trends and future directions in turbulent thermal convection”, Theoretical& Applied Mechanics Letters 3, 052001 (2013).
20. S.-D. Huang, M. Kaczorowski, R. Ni, and K.-Q. Xia “Confinement-Induced Heat-Transport Enhancement in Turbulent Thermal Convection”, Physical Review Letters 111, 104501 (2013).
21. Y.-C. Xie and K.-Q. Xia “Dynamics and flow coupling in two-layer turbulent thermal convection” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 728, R1 (2013).
22. R. Ni and K.-Q. Xia “Experimental investigation of pair dispersion with small initial separation in convective turbulent flows”, Physical Review E 87, 063006 (2013).
23. M. Kaczorowski and K.-Q. Xia, “Turbulent flow in the bulk of Rayleigh-B´ enard convection: Small-scale properties in a cubic cell” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 722, 596 (2013).
24. Q. Zhou and K.-Q. Xia, “Thermal boundary layer structure in turbulent Rayleigh-B´ enard convection in a rectangular cell” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 721, 199 (2013).
25. R. Ni and K.-Q. Xia “Kolmogorov constants for the second-order structure function and the energy spectrum”, Physical Review E 87, 023002 (2013).
26. P. Wei and K.-Q. Xia “Viscous boundary layer properties in turbulent thermal convection in a cylindrical cell: the effect of cell tilting” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 720, 140 (2013).
27. Y.-C. Xie, P. Wei and K.-Q. Xia “Dynamics of the large-scale circulation in high-Prandtl-number turbulent thermal convection” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 717, 322 (2013).
28. P. Wei, R. Ni and K.-Q. Xia, “Enhanced and Reduced Heat Transport in Turbulent Thermal Convection with Polymer Additives”, Physical Review E 86, 016325 (2012).
29. Q. Zhou and K.-Q. Xia, “Advances and Outlook in Turbulent Rayleigh-B´ enard Convection”,Advances in Mechanics (in Chinese). 42, 231 (2012).
30. R.J.A.M. Stevens, Q. Zhou, S. Grossmann, R. Verzicco, K.-Q. Xia and D. Lohse, “Thermal boundary layer profiles in turbulent Rayleigh-B´ enard convection in a cylindrical sample”, Physical Review E 85, 027301(2012).
31. R. Ni, S.-D. Huang and K.-Q. Xia “Lagrangian acceleration statistics in convective thermal turbulence” Journal of Fluid Mechanics 692, 395 (2012).
32. Q. Zhou, K. Sugiyama, R.J.A.M. Stevens, S. Grossmann, D. Lohse, and K.-Q. Xia “Horizontal Structures of Velocity and Temperature Boundary Layers in 2D Numerical Turbulent Rayleigh-B´ enard Convection”, Physics of Fluids 23, 125104 (2011).
33. R. Ni, S.-D. Huang and K.-Q. Xia “Local Energy Dissipation Rate Balances Local Heat Flux in the Center of Turbulent Thermal Convection”, Physical Review Letters 107, 174503 (2011).
34. Q. Zhou and K.-Q. Xia, “Disentangle plume-induced anisotropy in the velocity field in buoyancy-driven turbulence”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 684, 192 (2011).
35. K.-Q. Xia, “How heat transfer efficiencies in turbulent thermal convection depend on internal flow modes”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 676, 1 (2011). (Invited “Focus on Fluids” article)
36. K.-Q. Xia and Q. Zhou, “Local Dissipation Scales and Integral-Scale Reynolds Number Scalings in Thermally-Driven Turbulence” in Advances in Turbulence XIII. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 318, 042016 (2011).
37. R. Ni, S.-Q. Zhou and K.-Q. Xia “An experimental investigation of turbulent thermal convection in water-based alumina nanofluid”, Physics of Fluids 23, 022005 (2011).
38. Q. Zhou, R. J. A. M. Stevens, K. Sugiyama, S. Grossmann, D. Lohse and K.-Q. Xia, “PrandtlBlasius temperature and velocity boundary layer profiles in turbulent Rayleigh-B´ enard convection”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 664, 297 (2010).
39. Q. Zhou and K.-Q. Xia “The mixing evolution and geometric properties of a passive scalar field in turbulent Rayleigh-B´ enard convection”, New Journal of Physics 12, Art. No. 083029 (2010).
40. K. Sugiyama, R. Ni, R. J. A. M. Stevens, T. S. Chan, S.-Q. Zhou, H.-D. Xi, C. Sun, S. Grossmann, K.-Q. Xia and D. Lohse “Flow reversals in thermally driven turbulence”, Physical Review Letters 105, 034503 (2010).
41. Q. Zhou and K.-Q. Xia “Physical and geometrical properties of thermal plumes in turbulent Rayleigh-B´ enard convection”, New Journal of Physics 12, Art. No. 075006 (2010).
42. Q. Zhou and K.-Q. Xia “Universality of Local Dissipation Scales in Buoyancy-Driven Turbulence”, Physical Review Letters 104, 124301 (2010).
43. Q. Zhou and K.-Q. Xia “Measured Instantaneous Viscous Boundary Layer in Turbulent Rayleigh-B´ enard Convection”, Physical Review Letters 104, 104301 (2010).
44. D. Lohse and K.-Q. Xia “Small-Scale Properties of Turbulent Rayleigh-B´ enard Convection”, An-nual Review of Fluid Mechanics 42, 335-364 (2010).
45. Q. Zhou, H.-D. Xi, S.-Q. Zhou, C. Sun and K.-Q. Xia “Oscillations of the large-scale circulation in turbulent Rayleigh-B´ enard convection: the sloshing mode and its relationship with the torsional mode”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 630, 367 (2009).
46. H.-D. Xi, S.-Q. Zhou, Q. Zhou, T.-S. Chan, and K.-Q. Xia “Origin of the Temperature Oscillation in Turbulent Thermal Convection”, Physical Review Letters 102, 044503 (2009).
47. K.-Q. Xia, “Experimental studies of turbulent Rayleigh-B´ enard convection” (p471-478), in Advances in Turbulence XII, Springer Proceedings in Physics 132, edited by B. Eckhardt, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2009).
48. H.-D. Xi and K.-Q. Xia “Azimuthal motion, reorientation, cessation and reversal of the large-scale circulation in turbulent thermal convection: A comparative study in aspect ratio one and one-half geometries”, Physical Review E 78, 036326 (2008).
49. X.-D Shang, P. Tong, and K.-Q. Xia “Scaling of the Local Convective Heat Flux in Turbulent Rayleigh-B´ enard Convection”, Physical Review Letters 100, 244503 (2008).
50. H.-D. Xi and K.-Q. Xia “Flow mode transitions in turbulent thermal convection”, Physics of Fluids 20, 055104 (2008).
51. Q. Zhou and K.-Q. Xia “Comparative experimental study of local mixing of active and passive scalars in turbulent thermal convection”, Physical Review E. 77, 056312 (2008).
52. X.-L. Jin and K.-Q. Xia “An experimental study of kicked thermal turbulence”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 606, 133 (2008).
53. C. Sun, Y.-H. Cheung, and K.-Q. Xia “Experimental studies of the viscous boundary layer properties in turbulent Rayleigh-B´ enard convection”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 605, 79 (2008).
54. Q. Zhou, C. Sun and K.-Q. Xia “Experimental Investigation of Homogeneity, Isotropy, and Circu-lation of the Velocity Field in Buoyancy-Driven Turbulence”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 598,361 (2008).
55. K.-Q. Xia, C. Sun and Y.-H. Cheung, “Large Scale Velocity Structures in Turbulent Thermal Convection with Widely Varying Aspect Ratio” in Proceedings of the 14th Int. Symp. on Application of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics (Lisbon, Portugal, 2008).
56. K.-Q. Xia “Two clocks for a single engine in turbulent convection” J. Stat. Mech. Art. No. N11001 (2007).
57. S.-Q. Zhou, C. Sun, and K.-Q. Xia “Measured oscillations of the velocity and temperature fields in turbulent Rayleigh-B´ enard convection in a rectangular cell”, Physical Review E 76, 036301(2007).
58. Q. Zhou, C. Sun, H.-D. Xi, and K.-Q. Xia “Various issues in turbulent thermal convection” Wu Li (PHYSICS) 36, 657 (2007).
59. H.-D. Xi and K.-Q. Xia “Cessations and reversals of the large-scale circulation in turbulent thermal convection”, Physical Review E 75, 066307 (2007).
60. Xiaozhou He, Penger Tong, and K.-Q. Xia “Measured thermal dissipation field in turbulent Rayleigh-B´ enard convection”, Physical Review Letters 98, 144501(2007).
61. Q. Zhou, C. Sun, and K.-Q. Xia “Morphological Evolution of Thermal Plumes in Turbulent Rayleigh-B´ enard Convection”, Physical Review Letters 98, 074501(2007).
62. C. Sun and K.-Q. Xia “Multi-point local temperature measurements inside the conducting plates in turbulent thermal convection”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 570, 479 (2007).
63. C. Sun, Q. Zhou, and K.-Q. Xia “Cascades of Velocity and Temperature Fluctuations in Buoyancy-Driven Thermal Turbulence”, Physical Review Letters 97, 144504 (2006).
64. H.-D. Xi, Q. Zhou, and K.-Q. Xia “Azimuthal motion of the mean wind in turbulent thermal convection”, Physical Review E 73, 056312 (2006).
65. H.-D. Xi, C. Sun, and K.-Q. Xia “Dynamics and heat transfer in turbulent thermal convection”, Wu Li (PHYSICS) 35, 265 (2006).
66. Xin-Liang Qiu, Ke-Qing Xia, and Penger Tong “Experimental study of velocity boundary layer near a rough conducting surface in turbulent natural convection”, Journal of Turbulence, 6, (30)(2005).
67. C. Sun and K.-Q. Xia “Scaling of the Reynolds Number in Turbulent Thermal Convection” Physical Review E 72, 067302 (2005).
68. C. Sun, L.-Y. Ren, H. Song, and K.-Q. Xia “Heat transport by turbulent Rayleigh-B´ enard convection in 1 m diameter cylindrical cells of widely varying aspect ratio”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics542, 165 (2005).
69. C. Sun, H.-D. Xi, and K.-Q. Xia “Azimuthal Symmetry, Flow Dynamics, and Heat Transport in Turbulent Thermal Convection in a Cylinder with an Aspect Ratio of 0.5”, Physical Review Letters 95, 074502 (2005).
70. C. Sun, K.-Q. Xia, and P. Tong, “Three-dimensional flow structures and dynamics of turbulent thermal convection in a cylindrical cell”, Physical Review E 72, 026302 (2005).
71. X.-D. Shang, P. Tong, and K.-Q. Xia, “Test of steady-state fluctuation theorem in turbulent Rayleigh-B´ enard convection”, Physical Review E (Rapid Communications) 72, 015301(R)(2005).
72. J. Zhang, X. L. Wu, and Ke-Qing Xia “Density Fluctuations in Strongly Stratified Two-dimensional Turbulence”, Physical Review Letters 94, 174503 (2005).
73. K.-Q. Xia, S.-Q. Zhou, and C. Sun, “Statistics and Scaling of the Velocity Field in Turbulent Thermal Convection”, in Progress in Turbulence (p163-170) edited by J. Peinke, A. Kittel, S. Barth, and M. Oberlack (Springer, 2005).
74. Emily S. C. Ching, H. Guo, Xiao-Dong Shang, P. Tong, and Ke-Qing Xia “Extraction of Plumes in Turbulent Thermal Convection”, Physical Review Letters 93, 124501 (2004).
75. X.-D. Shang, X.-L. Qiu, P. Tong, and K.-Q. Xia, “Measurements of the local convective heat flux in turbulent Rayleigh-B´ enard convection”, Physical Review E 70, 026308 (2004).
76. E. S. C. Ching, K. W. Chui, X.-D. Shang, X.-L. Qiu, P. Tong, and K.-Q. Xia, “Velocity and temperature cross-scaling in turbulent thermal convection”, Journal of Turbulence 5, 027 (2004).
77. H.-D. Xi, S. Lam and K.-Q. Xia, “From laminar plumes to organized flows: The onset of large-scale circulation in turbulent thermal convection”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 503, 47 (2004).
78. X.-L. Qiu, X.-D. Shang, P. Tong, and K.-Q. Xia, “Velocity Oscillations in turbulent Rayleigh-B´ enard Convection”, Physics of Fluids 16, 412 (2004).
79. K.-Q. Xia, C. Sun, and S.-Q. Zhou, “Particle image velocimetry measurement of the velocity field in turbulent thermal convection”, Physical Review E 68, 066303, (2003).
80. X.-D. Shang, X.-L. Qiu, P. Tong, and K.-Q. Xia, “Measured Local Heat Transport in Rayleigh-B´ enard Convection”, Physical Review Letters 90, 074501 (2003).
81. J.-J Wang and K.-Q. Xia, “Spatial variations of the mean and statistical quantities in the thermal boundary layers of turbulent convection”, European Physical Journal B 32, 127 (2003).
82. S.-Q. Zhou and K.-Q. Xia, “Plume Statistics in Thermal Turbulence: The Mixing of an Active Scalar”, Physical Review Letters 89, 184502, (2002).
83. S Lam, X.-D. Shang, S.-Q. Zhou, and K.-Q. Xia, “Prandtl number dependence of the viscous boundary layer and the Reynolds numbers in Rayleigh-B´ enard convection”, Physical Review E65, 066306, (2002).
84. K.-Q. Xia, S. Lam, and S.-Q. Zhou, “ Heat-Flux Measurement in High-Prandtl-Number Turbulent Rayleigh-B´ enard Convection”, Physical Review Letters 88, 064501, (2002).
85. C.-S. Zhou, X.-Q. An, K.-Q. Xia, X.-L. Yin, and W.-G. Shen, “Turbidity Measurements and Am- plitude Scaling of Critical Solutions of Polystyrene in Methylcyclohexane”, Journal of Chemical Physics 117, 4557 (2002).
86. Q. Fu and K.-Q. Xia, “Extended self similarity of passive scalar in Rayleigh-B´ enard convection flow based on wavelet transform”, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics - English Edition 23, 804 (2002).
87. S.-Q. Zhou and K.-Q. Xia, “Scaling Properties of the Temperature Field in Convective Turbulence”, Physical Review Letters 87, 064501, (2001).
88. X.-D. Shang and K.-Q. Xia, “Scaling of the Velocity Power Spectra in Turbulent Thermal Con-vection”, Physical Review E (Rapid Communications) 64, 065301(R) (2001).
89. S. Jiang, K.-Q. Xia, and G. Xu, “Effect of Additives on Self-Assembling Behavior of Nafion in Aqueous Media”, Macromolecules 34, 7783, (2001).
90. S.-Q. Zhou and K.-Q. Xia, “Spatially Correlated Temperature Fluctuations in Turbulent Convection”, Physical Review E 63, 046308, (2001).
91. K.-Q. Xia, S.-L. Lui, and X.-L. Qiu, “Heat Flux Scaling in Turbulent Convection” (p208-214), in Recent Progress in Turbulence Research edited by J.J. Wang, S. Fu, Q.G. Meng, and X.G. Deng(Science Press, China, 2001).
92. K.-Q. Xia and S.-Q. Zhou, “Temperature Power Spectra and the Viscous Boundary Layer in Thermal Turbulence: The Role of Prandtl Number”, Physica A 288, 308, (2000).
93. E.S.C. Ching, S.-L. Lui, K.-Q. Xia, “Energy Dependence of Impact Fragmentation of Long Glass Rods”, Physica A 287, 83, (2000).
94. K.-Q. Xia and S.-Q. Zhou, “Probing the Viscous Boundary Layer by Measuring Temperature Fluctuations in Turbulent Rayleigh-B´ enard Convection”, American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings (Edited by M. Tokuyama and H.E. Stanley) 519, 122, (2000).
95. X.-Q. An, K.-Q. Xia, W.-G. Shen, and X.-L. Qiu “Correlation Length and Amplitude Scaling in Critical Polymer Solutions”, Journal of Chemical Physics 111, 8298, (1999).
96. K.-Q. Xia and X.-L. Qiu, “Turbulent convection with “disconnected” top and bottom boundary layers”, Europhysics Letters 46, 171, (1999).
97. J.-J. Wang and K.-Q. Xia, “Progress in the Experimental Investigations of Turbulent Rayleigh-B´ enard Convection”, Advances in Mechanics 29, 557, (1999).
98. Y.-B. Xin and K.-Q. Xia, “Measurement of the Coherent Mean Flow in Turbulent Rayleigh-B´ enard Convection”, International Journal of Transport Phenomena 1, 215, (1999).
99. J.-J. Wang and K.-Q. Xia, “The Effect of Reynolds Number on the Characteristics of Turbulence”, Mechanics & Its Practice 29, 557, (1999).
100. X.-L. Qiu and K.-Q. Xia, “Spatial structure of the viscous boundary layer in turbulent convection”, Physical Review E 58, 5816, (1998).
101. P. Tong and K.-Q. Xia, “Recent velocity measurements in turbulent thermal convection” (p258-285), in Flow at Ultra-High Reynolds and Rayleigh Numbers, edited by R.J. Donnelly and K.R. Sreenivasan (Springer, 1998).
102. X.-L. Qiu and K.-Q. Xia, “Viscous boundary layer at the sidewall of a convection cell”, Physical Review E 58, 486, (1998).
103. S.-L. Lui and K.-Q. Xia, “Spatial structure of the thermal boundary layer in turbulent convection”, Physical Review E 57, 5494, (1998).
104. K.-Q. Xia, “Rayleigh-B´ enard Convective Turbulence with Modified Boundaries”(p213), in STA-TISTICAL PHYSICS — Experiments, Theories and Computer Simulations. Edited by M. Tokuyama and I. Oppenheim (World Scientific Publishing Co. 1998).
105. Y.-B. Xin, S.-L. Lui, and K.-Q. Xia “Boundary Layer Properties in Turbulent Convection” (p.521), in Progress in Liquid Physics (I), edited by K.Q. Lu and X.W. Zhou (Wuhan University Press, 1997).
106. K.-Q. Xia and S.-L. Lui, “Turbulent Thermal Convection with an Obstructed Sidewall”, Physical Review Letters 79, 5006, (1997).
107. Y.-B. Xin and K.-Q. Xia, “Boundary Layer Length Scales in Convective Turbulence”, Physical Review E 56, 3010, (1997).
108. X.-Q. An, W.-G. Shen, and K.-Q. Xia, “Turbidity of critical solutions of polymethylmethacrylate in 3-octanone” , Journal of Chemical Physics 107, 2060, (1997).
109. K.-Q. Xia, Y.-B. Zhang, P. Tong, and C. Wu “Interactions in mixtures of a microemulsion and a polymer”, Physical Review E 55, 5792 (1997).
110. K.-Q. Xia, Y.-B. Xin and Penger Tong, “Viscous Boundary Layer Measurements in Rayleigh-B´ enard Convection” (p.515), in Looking to the 21st Century, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Frontiers of Physics, Edited by L.-F. Li, K.K. Phua, S.S.M. Wong and B.-L. Young(World Scientific Publishing Co. 1997).
111. Y.-B. Xin and K.-Q. Xia, “Incoherent Photon-Correlation Velocimetry and Its Applications in Turbulent Convection” (p.521), in Looking to the 21st Century, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Frontiers of Physics, Edited by L.-F. Li, K.K. Phua, S.S.M. Wong and B.-L.
Young (World Scientific Publishing Co. 1997).
112. K.-Q. Xia, X.-Q. An, and W.-G. Shen, “Measured coexistence curves of phase-separated polymer solutions”, Journal of Chemical Physics 105, 6018 (1996).
113. K.-Q. Xia “Viscous Boundary Layer Measurements in Rayleigh-B´ enard Convection”, Butsusei Kenkyu 66, 448 (1996).
114. Y.-B. Xin, K.-Q. Xia, and P. Tong, “Measured Velocity Boundary Layers in Turbulent Convection”, Physical Review Letters 77, 1266 (1996).
115. Y. Shen, P. Tong, and K.-Q. Xia, “Turbulent Convection over Rough Surfaces ”, Physical Review Letters 76, 908 (1996).
116. Y.-B. Xin and K.-Q. Xia, “Measured Velocity of Large Scale Circulation in Turbulent Convection”(p.554), Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium of Transport Phenomena in Thermal Fluids Engineering, Singapore, 1996.
117. K.-Q. Xia, Y.-B. Xin and P. Tong, “Dual-beam incoherent cross-correlation spectroscopy”, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 12, 1571 (1995).
118. Y. Shen, K.-Q. Xia, and P. Tong, “Measured Local-Velocity Fluctuations in Turbulent Convection”, Physical Review Letters 75, 437 (1995).
119. C. Wu, K. K. Chan, and K.-Q. Xia, “Experimental Study of the Spectral Distribution of the Light Scattered from Flexible Macromolecules in Very Dilute Solution”, Macromolecules, 28,1032 (1995).
120. C. Wu and K.-Q. Xia, “Incorporation of a Differential Refractometer into a Laser Scattering Spectrometer”, Review of Scientific Instruments 65, 587 (1994).
121. P. Tong, K.-Q. Xia, and B.J. Ackerson, “Incoherent cross-correlation spectroscopy”, Journal of Chemical Physics 98, 9256 (1993).
122. K.-Q. Xia, C. Franck, and B. Widom, “Interfacial tensions of phase-separated polymer solutions”, Journal of Chemical Physics 97, 1446 (1992).
123. R.M. Odear, I.H. Park, K.-Q. Xia, and C. S. Johnson, Jr., “A holographic relaxation spectrometer with phase-modulated detection”, Review of Scientific Instruments 62, 27 (1991).
124. K.-Q. Xia, I.H. Park, and C.S. Johnson, Jr., “Radiation pressure induced gratings in colloidal suspensions: Dynamics of formation and decay”, Journal of Chemical Physics 91, 1351 (1989).
125. K.-Q. Xia and J.V. Maher, “Dynamic light scattering from binary-liquid gels”, Physical Review A (Rapid Communication) 37, 3626 (1988).
126. K.-Q. Xia and J. V. Maher, “Light scattering from a binary-liquid entanglement gel”, Physical Review A 36, 2432 (1987).