
Work experience
1997/1 - 1998/1, German Aerospace Research Institute Guest Scientist
1998/2 - 2001/9, Berlin University of Technology Visiting Scientist
1995/7 - 1998/6, Lecturer, School of Energy and Power Engineering, Beihang University
1998/7 - 2002/6, Associate Professor, School of Energy and Power Engineering, Beihang University
2002/7 to present, Professor, School of Energy and Power Engineering, Beihang University
Learning experience
2002, Third Prize of National Defense Science and Technology Progress Award
2007, the New Century Talent Support Program of the Ministry of Education
2009, AIAA Associate Fellow
2013, Second Prize of National Defense Science and Technology Progress Award
C. Chen, X. D. Li and F. Thiele, “Numerical study on non-locally reacting behavior of nacelle liners incorporating drainage slots,” Journal of Sound and Vibration, 424, 2018.
J. H., Gao, X. Xu, and X. D. Li, “Numerical simulation of supersonic twin-jet noise with high-order finite difference scheme,” AIAA Journal, 56(1), 2018.
J. H., Gao and X. D. Li, “An improved grid block interface flux reconstruction method for high order finite difference scheme,” AIAA Journal, 53(7), 2015.
L. Liu, X.D. Li and F. Q. Hu, “Nonuniform-time-step explicit Runge-Kutta scheme for high-order finite difference method,” Computers and Fluids, 105, 2014.
J. H. Gao, Z. G. Yang, and X. D. Li, “An optimized spectral difference scheme for CAA problems,” Journal of Computational Physics, 231(14), 2012.
X.Y. Li, X. D. Li and C. K. W. Tam, “An improved multi-pole broadband time domain impedance boundary condition,” AIAA Journal, 50(4), 2012.
L. Liu, X. D. Li and F. Q. Hu, “Nonuniform time-step Runge-Kutta discontinuous Galerkin method for Computational Aeroacoustics,” Journal of Computational Physics, 229(19), 2010.
J. H. Gao and X. D. Li, “A multi-mode screech frequency prediction formula for circular supersonic jets,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 127(3), 2010.
F. Q. Hu,X. D. Li, and D. K. Lin, “Absorbing boundary conditions for nonlinear Euler and Navier-Stokes equations based on the perfectly matched layer technique,” Journal of Computational Physics, 227(9), 2008.
X. D. Li and J. H. Gao, “Numerical simulation of the three dimensional screech phenomenon from a circular jet,” Physics of Fluids, 20(3), 035101, 2008.
X. D. Li,C. Richter, and F. Thiele, “Time-domain impedance boundary conditions for surfaces with subsonic mean flows,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 119(5), 2006.
X. D. Li and J. H. Gao, “Numerical simulation of the generation mechanism of axisymmetric supersonic jet screech tones,” Physics of Fluids, 17(8), 085105, 2005.
X. D. Li,C. Schemel, U. Michel and F. Thiele, “Azimuthal sound mode propagation in axisymmetric flow ducts,” AIAA Journal, 42(10), 2004.
J. Luo and X. D. Li, “An inverse aeroacoustic problem on rotor wake/stator interaction,”Journal of Sound and Vibration, 254(2), 2002.
X. D. Li, and S. Zhou, “Spatial transformation of the discrete sound field from a propeller,” AIAA Journal, 34(6), 1996.