His main research interests include e-commerce, big data marketing, sharing economy, digital tourism and enterprise innovation. The e-commerce case and community network software case he wrote was accepted by the Harvard case library. Associate editor of Electronic Commerce Research and Application. Invited editorial board of Information & Management, and Industrial Management & Data Systems. Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Information System and Management.
Educational Background:
PhD Norwich Business School, University of East Anglia.
Work Experience:
He has worked in computer research scientists, network development engineers, and investment analysts. He has been involved in the creation of a cross-border e-commerce and virtual currency trading platform, the University of London Consumer and Enterprise Digital Analysis Center and the Shuguang International Joint Research Institute. He has its own unique insights and experience in industry, university and research.
1. Best Paper Nomination of The 52th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) at Strategy, Information, Technology, Economics, and Society (SITES) track.
2. 4 paper was selected for the ESI Highly Cited Paper.
3. Best Paper Award of International E-Commerce Conference ICEB in ICEB 2016.
4. Outstanding Reviewer Contribution Award in Information & Management.
His research interests include data analysis, marketing innovation and technology, information systems, travel marketing and online consumer behavior.
More than 30 research results have published in international authoritative SSCI journals, including Journal of Management Information System, Management Science, Production and Operations Management, Journal of Information Technology, Information System Journal, Information & Management, Harvard Business Review, Electronic Commerce Research and Application, Computers in Human Behavior, Tourism Management, Psychology & Marketing and Energy Policy, and the domestic top management journal in China “Management World”, and first-class international information system conferences like ICIS, HICSS, AMCIS, ECIS, and PACIS.